What are the benefits of having an explainer video on your website for marketing purposes?

Benefits of an explainer video on your website

Last Updated on June 4, 2024

Estimated reading time: 17 minutes


As a B2B tech product marketer, you understand the challenges of standing out in today’s competitive digital landscape. Your website is the gateway to your target audience, and you need a compelling way to engage them from the moment they land on your site. This is where explainer videos come in – a powerful marketing tool that can transform how you connect with potential clients.

In this blog post, we will explore the growing importance of video content in product marketing and understand the benefits of using explainer videos on your website. From capturing attention to boosting conversions, explainer videos can be a game-changer for your online presence, helping you effectively communicate your unique value proposition and drive better results.

Choosing the right explainer video maker in Bangalore can ensure your B2B tech company effectively leverages video content to capture and retain your target audience’s attention.

Growing Importance of Video Content in Marketing 

  1. Presenting statistics and trends on the rise of video consumption
    • Video Traffic Dominates Internet Usage 
    • B2B Buyers Prefer Video Content
    • Mobile Video Consumption is On the Rise
    • Video Drives Email Campaign Performance
    • Explainer Videos Boost Conversion Rates
    • Video Content Ranks High on Search Results
    • Webinars and Product Demos Attract Tech Buyers
    • Video is Shareable and Amplifies Brand Reach
  2. Why video has become a preferred content format for B2B audiences? 
  3. Impact of video on user engagement and conversion rates

Growing Importance of Video Content in Marketing 

The tech industry has witnessed a significant shift towards video content in marketing strategies. As a marketing head, you need to be aware of the trends and statistics that indicate the growing significance of video:

You all will agree that understanding the statistics and trends surrounding video consumption is crucial for crafting effective marketing strategies and engaging the target audience. Here are some compelling statistics that highlight the growing importance of video content in the marketing landscape:

Video Traffic Dominates Internet Usage 

Video content has become the driving force behind internet traffic. According to Cisco, video is projected to account for over 82% of all consumer internet traffic by the end of this year. This figure underscores the significance of incorporating video into your marketing efforts to reach and engage B2B tech buyers effectively.

B2B Buyers Prefer Video Content

B2B tech buyers are increasingly turning to video to gather information about products and services. A survey by Google found that 70% of B2B buyers watch videos during their purchase journey, making it a pivotal component of their decision-making process.

Mobile Video Consumption is On the Rise

With the rise of mobile devices, the consumption of video content on smartphones and tablets has witnessed substantial growth. According to a report, mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year. Ensuring that your explainer videos are optimized for mobile compatibility is vital to reach tech buyers on their preferred devices.

Video Drives Email Campaign Performance

Incorporating videos in email marketing campaigns can significantly improve click-through rates. HubSpot reports that including videos in emails can lead to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates, making it an effective strategy to capture the attention of B2B tech buyers.

Explainer Videos Boost Conversion Rates

When it comes to converting leads into customers, explainer videos have proven to be highly effective. Researches reveals that 84% of consumers have been convinced to make a purchase after watching an explainer video.

Video Content Ranks High on Search Results

Search engines, especially Google, prioritize video content in search results. Websites with videos are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing your explainer videos for relevant keywords, you can improve your website’s SEO performance and visibility.

Webinars and Product Demos Attract Tech Buyers

Buyers often seek in-depth information about products and solutions before making a purchase. Hosting webinars and providing product demos through videos can address their specific needs and pain points, making it easier for them to evaluate your offerings.

Video is Shareable and Amplifies Brand Reach

Compelling and informative explainer videos are highly shareable on social media and other platforms. Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. By encouraging video sharing, you can expand your brand’s reach and tap into new audiences.

As marketers, leveraging these video consumption trends and statistics can help you create targeted and engaging explainer videos that resonate with tech buyers, drive user engagement, and ultimately lead to increased conversions. Embracing the power of video content can give your brand a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving tech marketing landscape.


2. Why video has become a preferred content format for B2B audiences? 

The shift towards video content as a preferred format can be attributed to several factors. 

B2B audiences are more likely to engage with video content compared to other formats like plain text or static images. Videos offer a dynamic and visually appealing experience, capturing the audience’s attention and keeping them engaged throughout the content.

The buying decisions involve multiple stakeholders, and videos play a vital role in influencing these decision-makers. Videos that address pain points, showcase benefits, and provide valuable insights can sway opinions and expedite the decision-making process.

Videos featuring real people or customer testimonials can enhance trust and credibility. B2B buyers want to see real results and hear from actual customers who have benefited from the product or service. Video testimonials and case studies create a sense of authenticity, making it easier for buyers to trust the brand.

Video analytics provide valuable insights into viewer behavior, allowing marketers to understand what content resonates most with their audience. These data-driven insights help optimize video content and overall marketing strategies for better results.

3. Impact of video on user engagement and conversion rates

In the B2B tech industry, user engagement is crucial for nurturing leads and converting them into customers. Websites that incorporate videos have been shown to have higher average time spent on page, reduced bounce rates, and increased click-through rates. The power of visuals and storytelling in explainer videos creates an emotional connection with B2B audiences, driving them to take desired actions, such as signing up for newsletters, requesting demos, or exploring more in-depth content.

By partnering with a professional explainer video maker in Mumbai, you can ensure high-quality, engaging videos that effectively communicate your value proposition to B2B tech buyers.

We served clients from


Do Explainer Videos Work For B2B Tech Products? 

  1. Exploring the effectiveness of explainer videos 
  2. Presenting success stories
    • AppWrapper – Super Awesome One-Click SDKs Integration
    • Thinkitive Technologies – Software Products & Solutions
    • Zipstack’s Data Productivity Cloud
  3. Understanding the psychology behind why explainer videos are effective

Yes, explainer videos work for even B2B tech products. They effectively engage audiences, clarify messages, and boost conversions through compelling visuals and concise storytelling.

1. Exploring the effectiveness of explainer videos 

Explainer videos are concise, visually appealing, and designed to engage B2B audiences from the start. By presenting information in an engaging and easy-to-understand format, explainer videos effectively increase understanding and retention of key messages, making them an ideal choice for introducing B2B tech products, services, or concepts.

2. Presenting success stories 

To further highlight the effectiveness of explainer videos in the B2B tech industry, let’s explore some popular success stories:

AppWrapper – Super Awesome One-Click SDKs Integration

AppWrapper, a leading mobile app development platform, achieved tremendous success with their explainer video titled “Super Awesome One-Click SDKs Integration.” The video showcased how developers could effortlessly integrate multiple software development kits (SDKs) into their apps using AppWrapper’s innovative platform. With captivating visuals and a clear demonstration of the time-saving process, the explainer video resonated with app developers worldwide. As a result, AppWrapper experienced a significant increase in sign-ups and user engagement on their platform. The video’s simplicity and effectiveness in conveying the product’s value led to greater market penetration and customer satisfaction.

Thinkitive Technologies – Software Products & Solutions

Thinkitive Technologies, a technology solutions provider, found success with their engaging promo video showcasing their wide range of software products and solutions. The video highlighted their expertise in delivering innovative technology services to various industries. By combining sleek animations, compelling visuals, and a concise narrative, the explainer video effectively communicated Thinkitive’s capabilities and value proposition to potential clients. The video’s impact on brand awareness and lead generation was evident, as it led to a surge in inquiries and an increase in qualified leads for their software services.

Zipstack’s Data Productivity Cloud

Zipstack, a data productivity platform, experienced significant growth and market recognition through their explainer video titled “Data Productivity Cloud.” The video presented Zipstack’s revolutionary cloud-based solution that streamlined data management for businesses. The explainer video’s seamless storytelling, along with eye-catching graphics, effectively showcased the product’s benefits and ease of use. As a result of the video’s success, Zipstack saw a considerable increase in website traffic and user sign-ups. The video played a pivotal role in positioning Zipstack as a leader in the data productivity space and gaining a competitive edge in the market.

These popular success stories demonstrate how explainer videos can be a powerful tool in elevating a brand’s presence, driving user engagement, and generating business growth. With the right combination of creativity, messaging, and visuals, businesses can leverage explainer videos to communicate their unique value proposition and create lasting impressions on their target audience.

3. Understanding the psychology behind why explainer videos are effective

The effectiveness of explainer videos lies in how they tap into human psychology. People are naturally drawn to visuals and storytelling. Explainer videos leverage this by combining appealing visuals, compelling narratives, and problem-solving approaches to hold viewers’ attention and evoke emotions.

Additionally, explainer videos simplify complex tech concepts and break down information into easily digestible parts. This cognitive ease helps audiences understand and remember the message more effectively, leading to higher engagement and better retention of key information.

In addition, the use of voiceovers and music in explainer videos creates an immersive experience that further enhances the emotional connection with the audience.

Benefits of Having an Explainer Video on Your Website for Marketing Purposes 

  1. Enhancing Engagement 
    • Capturing and retaining audience attention 
    • Conveying complex information in an easy-to-understand manner
    • Stimulating visual and auditory senses for improved message retention
  2. Clarifying B2B Tech Offering
    • Demonstrating product features and functionality
    • Highlighting unique selling points and benefits
    • Addressing customer pain points and providing solutions
  3. Building Brand Awareness For B2B Tech Companies
    • Creating a memorable and recognizable brand image
    • Showcasing brand personality and values
    • Expanding brand reach through shareable video content
  4. Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Driving website traffic through video content
    • Reducing bounce rates and increasing dwell time
    • Leveraging video transcript, metadata, and annotations for SEO optimization
  5. Enhancing Mobile Compatibility
    • Catering to the increasing mobile user base
    • Providing an easily digestible format for on-the-go audiences
    • Optimizing for responsive design to ensure accessibility on various devices
  6. Measuring Performance and Analyzing Audience Behavior
    • Utilizing analytics to track video performance
    • Understanding viewer behavior and preferences
    • Making data-driven improvements for better results
  7. Gaining Competitive Advantage
    • Standing out in a crowded digital landscape
    • Differentiating from competitors using video content
    • Establishing authority and credibility in the industry
  8. Flexibility for Multiple Marketing Channels
    • Using explainer videos across website, social media, email, etc.
    • Repurposing video content for various marketing campaigns
    • Leveraging video for offline marketing efforts (presentations, events, etc.)

Choosing an experienced explainer video agency in Delhi can provide businesses with high-quality videos that effectively communicate their unique value proposition and enhance their marketing efforts.

In this section, we’ll explore how the dynamic and informative videos can enhance experience, clarify product offerings, build brand awareness, and drive better results for your marketing efforts. 

1. Enhancing Engagement 

Capturing and retaining audience attention 

Explainer videos are designed to quickly grab the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the video. Their visually appealing and dynamic nature helps to retain interest, reducing the likelihood of visitors leaving the website prematurely.

Conveying complex information in an easy-to-understand manner 

B2B tech products can be complex, with intricate features and functionalities. Explainer videos simplify these concepts through visual storytelling, making it easier for potential clients to understand the value and benefits of your tech solutions.

Stimulating visual and auditory senses for improved message retention

The combination of visuals and voiceovers in explainer videos engages both the visual and auditory senses, enhancing message retention. B2B decision-makers are more likely to remember the content presented in an explainer video compared to plain text.

2. Clarifying B2B Tech Offering

Demonstrating product features and functionality

Explainer videos can showcase the key features and functionalities of your tech product, giving potential customers a clear understanding of what it does and how it works. This visual demonstration helps eliminate doubts and uncertainties about your product’s capabilities.

Highlighting unique selling points and benefits

By focusing on the product or service’s unique selling points, explainer videos effectively communicate its value proposition, helping to differentiate it from competitors.

Addressing customer pain points and providing solutions

B2B tech decision-makers are constantly looking for solutions to their challenges. Explainer videos allow you to address common pain points that potential clients may face and demonstrate how your product offers tailored solutions to these problems.

3. Building Brand Awareness For B2B Tech Companies

Creating a memorable and recognizable brand image

Through carefully crafted visuals and storytelling, explainer videos can help establish a distinct brand image that resonates with B2B audiences, making your brand more memorable and recognizable.

Showcasing brand personality and values

B2B tech companies have unique brand personalities and values that set them apart. Explainer videos allow you to showcase your brand’s culture, values, and mission, helping to humanize your company and build a connection with viewers.

Expanding brand reach through shareable video content

Engaging and shareable explainer videos can extend the brand’s reach as viewers share the content on social media and other platforms, increasing brand visibility and exposure.

4. Boosting Conversion Rates For Tech Industries

Increasing understanding and trust in the product/service

By providing clear and comprehensive information, explainer videos build trust with potential customers, making them more comfortable and confident in making purchase decisions.

Influencing purchase decisions through compelling storytelling

Explainer videos can evoke emotions and tell compelling stories, creating a sense of urgency or excitement that nudges B2B viewers towards taking action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Encouraging call-to-action (CTA) for direct user engagement

Effective explainer videos include strong and clear calls-to-action, guiding B2B audiences towards the next step in the buyer’s journey, such as filling out a contact form, requesting a quote, or subscribing to your newsletter.

5. Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Driving website traffic through video content

Search engines favor websites with video content, and by having explainer videos, you can attract more organic traffic from search results. Incorporating video transcripts and relevant metadata can further optimize your website for search engines.

Reducing bounce rates and increasing dwell time

Engaging explainer videos can keep visitors on the website for longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that the content is relevant and valuable.

Leveraging video transcript, metadata, and annotations for SEO optimization

By including accurate video transcripts, relevant metadata, and annotations, you can help search engines better understand the video content and improve your website’s overall SEO performance.

6. Enhancing Mobile Compatibility

Catering to the increasing mobile user base

The use of mobile devices for business purposes has seen a significant rise in recent years. B2B decision-makers often rely on their smartphones and tablets to research products, read industry news, and stay connected while on the move. Explainer videos provide a mobile-friendly format that allows users to consume content easily and conveniently on smaller screens.

Providing an easily digestible format for on-the-go audiences

Tech buyers are busy professionals who are constantly on the move. They may have limited time and attention spans to engage with detailed text-based content. Explainer videos deliver information efficiently and succinctly, making them an ideal choice for busy audiences who need quick insights into your tech product’s value proposition and benefits.

Optimizing for responsive design to ensure accessibility on various devices 

Responsive design is critical for ensuring that explainer videos are accessible and visually appealing across a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. By adopting responsive design principles, B2B tech marketers can guarantee that their explainer videos automatically adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing a seamless viewing experience for all users.

7. Measuring Performance and Analyzing Audience Behavior

Utilizing analytics to track video performance

Through analytics tools, businesses can track how users interact with explainer videos, such as play rate, engagement, and drop-off points, enabling data-driven optimizations.

Understanding viewer behavior and preferences

Video analytics provide insights into viewer behavior, allowing businesses to understand what resonates with the audience and make informed content decisions.

Making data-driven improvements for better results

Armed with data and insights, tech marketers can continuously improve their explainer videos to align with audience preferences and maximize their effectiveness.

8. Gaining Competitive Advantage

Standing out in a crowded digital landscape

The tech industry is competitive, and explainer videos offer a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand and products from competitors. By delivering compelling and memorable content, you can capture the attention of potential clients and leave a lasting impression.

Differentiating from competitors using video content

While many tech companies rely solely on traditional text-based content, incorporating explainer videos gives you a unique advantage in conveying complex technology concepts in a visually appealing and engaging manner.

Establishing authority and credibility in the industry

High-quality explainer videos showcasing expertise and knowledge in the industry can establish a brand as an authority, leading to increased trust and credibility among potential customers.

9. Flexibility for Multiple Marketing Channels

Using explainer videos across website, social media, email, etc.

Explainer videos are versatile and can be used across various marketing channels, ensuring consistent messaging and branding throughout the buyer’s journey. They can be embedded on product pages, shared on social media platforms, and included in email marketing campaigns.

Repurposing video content for various marketing campaigns

By repurposing explainer videos, tech marketers can create multiple versions or adapt the content for different campaigns, saving time and resources. For example, a longer version can be used on the website, while shorter snippets can be shared on social media.

Leveraging video for offline marketing efforts (presentations, events, etc.) 

In addition to digital marketing, explainer videos can be used in offline marketing efforts, such as presentations, trade shows, or sales pitches. They provide a compelling way to communicate key messages to a live audience and leave a lasting impression.

Overall, explainer videos offer a wide range of benefits that contribute to a more effective and engaging marketing strategy. They can help businesses connect with their target audience, drive conversions, and establish a strong brand presence in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Why Some Explainer Videos Fail the Purpose

  1. Lack of Clear Objectives
  2. Poor Script and Storytelling
  3. Overwhelming or Inconsistent Visuals
  4. Neglecting Target Audience Relevance
  5. Inadequate Call-to-Action (CTA) Strategy
  6. Ignoring Video Optimization for Different Platforms
  7. Lengthy or Unfocused Content
  8. Low Production Quality and Unprofessionalism
  9. Lack of Distribution and Promotion Strategy

Partnering with a reputable explainer video company in Chennai can ensure high-quality productions that effectively convey your message and engage your target audience.

In this section, we will examine common reasons why certain explainer videos fall short of achieving their intended objectives. 

1. Lack of Clear Objectives

Some explainer videos fail because they lack a clear and well-defined objective. Without a specific goal in mind, the video may not effectively communicate the intended message or prompt the desired action from the audience.

2. Poor Script and Storytelling

The script and storytelling in an explainer video are crucial to capturing and retaining the audience’s attention. If the script is confusing, lacks a compelling narrative, or fails to address the target audience’s pain points, the video may fail to engage viewers effectively.

3. Overwhelming or Inconsistent Visuals

Visuals in an explainer video should support the message and be visually appealing without overwhelming the viewer. If the visuals are distracting, chaotic, or inconsistent with the brand’s style, the video may fail to convey a cohesive and professional message.

4. Neglecting Target Audience Relevance

A successful explainer video must resonate with the target audience. If the video does not address the needs, preferences, and interests of the intended viewers, it may fail to connect with them emotionally, leading to disengagement.

5. Inadequate Call-to-Action (CTA) Strategy

A clear and compelling call-to-action is essential in an explainer video. If the CTA is weak, unclear, or missing altogether, the viewer may be unsure of the next steps to take, resulting in a missed opportunity for conversion.

6. Ignoring Video Optimization for Different Platforms

Each platform has its own requirements and best practices for video content. If an explainer video is not optimized for specific platforms (e.g., social media, website, email), it may not perform well or reach its full potential.

7. Lengthy or Unfocused Content

Explainer videos should be concise and focused on the main message. If the video is too long or tries to cover too much information, it can overwhelm viewers and lead to disinterest or abandonment.

8. Low Production Quality and Unprofessionalism

The production quality of an explainer video reflects on the brand’s image. If the video is poorly produced, with low-quality visuals, audio, or voiceover, it may give the impression of unprofessionalism, negatively impacting the brand’s credibility.

9. Lack of Distribution and Promotion Strategy

Even a well-crafted explainer video may fail if it lacks a distribution and promotion strategy. Without proper promotion through various channels, the video may not reach the intended audience, resulting in limited engagement and impact.

By understanding and addressing these potential pitfalls, businesses can create more effective and successful explainer videos that effectively achieve their marketing objectives and connect with their audience.


In conclusion, explainer videos offer numerous benefits for tech marketers, enabling them to effectively communicate complex technology solutions, drive user engagement, build brand awareness, boost conversions, and gain a competitive advantage in the digital landscape. 

By crafting compelling and visually appealing explainer videos, optimized for mobile compatibility, the tech companies can create a lasting impact on their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives. Embrace the power of explainer videos and unlock the full potential of video marketing to elevate your brand and drive business growth in the dynamic world of B2B tech marketing.

Remember, at MyPromovideos, we specialize in creating high-quality explainer videos tailored to the unique needs of tech companies. Our team of experts is here to help you craft a compelling visual story that resonates with your audience, boosts conversions, and drives business growth. Get in touch with us today to take your B2B tech marketing to new heights with the power of explainer videos.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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