Why Should A Small Business Use An Explainer Video For Their Growth?

Explainer video for small business

Last Updated on June 4, 2024

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

As the virtual world expands exponentially, standing out amid the digital noise has never been more daunting. Small businesses are racing to establish their online presence, and the competition for customer attention has reached unprecedented levels. The web welcomes thousands of new entrants daily, striving to make their mark in this bustling digital marketplace.

The truth is the digital landscape is fast becoming a crowded arena, making it an uphill battle for businesses to carve out their niche and attract their target audience. Several factors primarily fuel this uphill battle. 

  • Saturation of Digital Platforms: The proliferation of social media, e-commerce websites, and online marketplaces has led to an abundance of digital platforms. While this provides businesses with various channels to reach their audience, it also means increased competition for visibility.
  • Information Overload: With an overwhelming amount of information available online, consumers are bombarded with content from all directions. Cutting through this noise to capture their attention requires a strategic and compelling approach.
  • Constant Technological Advancements: The rapid pace of technological advancements introduces new tools, platforms, and marketing techniques regularly. Keeping up with these changes and effectively utilizing them can be challenging for small businesses with limited resources.
  • Changing Consumer Behavior: Consumer preferences and behaviors in the digital space evolve continuously. Staying aligned with these shifts and tailoring marketing efforts accordingly is crucial but demanding.
  • Algorithmic Changes: Platforms like search engines and social media frequently update their algorithms, affecting how content is ranked and displayed. Adapting to these algorithm changes can be a constant struggle.
  • Rising Advertising Costs: As more businesses turn to digital advertising, the cost of online ads has increased. This can strain the budget of small businesses and limit their advertising reach.
  • Content Saturation: The internet is flooded with content on virtually every topic. Creating content that stands out and resonates with the audience requires creativity and innovation.
  • Global Competition: The digital world has dissolved geographical boundaries, exposing businesses to global competition. Small businesses must now compete not only with local rivals but also with international players.

Looking ahead to 2024, the forecast remains clear: the competitive challenges and marketplace saturation will persist, with a constant influx of new products and services clamoring for consumer attention.

So, against this backdrop of fierce competition, how can your business rise above the noise and capture the spotlight in the coming year? The answer lies in staying ahead of the curve, adopting innovative strategies, and forging meaningful connections with your audience. And among these strategies, one powerful tool stands out — explainer videos.

As we embark on this exploration, we will uncover the remarkable impact of explainer videos in not only setting your business apart but also in captivating your audience and achieving your ambitious business goals.

Tapping into the expertise of an explainer video company in Bangalore, like ours, can provide your small business with a highly polished and engaging video that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your audience.

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Benefits Of Explainer Videos For Small Businesses 

  1. Effective Communication
  2. Engagement and Conversion
  3. Brand Building
  4. Competitive Edge
  5. Cost-Effective Marketing
  6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  7. Flexibility Across Platforms
  8. Customer Education
  9. Measurable Results

Explainer videos have emerged as a dynamic and essential tool in a small business’s marketing arsenal, offering a range of compelling reasons why they are indispensable for growth and success.

1. Effective Communication

  1. Simplifying Complex Ideas: How Explainer Videos Clarify Messages
    Small businesses often struggle to communicate intricate concepts or the unique value of their products and services to potential customers. Explainer videos are a versatile medium that distills complex information into easily digestible narratives. Through engaging visuals, concise scripting, and compelling storytelling, these videos break down intricate ideas, making them understandable to a broad audience.

  2. Conveying Value Proposition: Making Your Offerings Easily Understandable
    Your business may offer remarkable solutions, but if prospective customers can’t quickly grasp what you provide and why it matters, you risk losing their interest. Explainer videos excel at conveying your value proposition succinctly. They highlight the core benefits of your offerings, addressing pain points and showcasing how your products or services can solve specific problems. Explaining your value clearly, explainer videos ensure potential customers are more likely to engage with your business.

2. Engagement and Conversion

  1. Captivating Your Audience: Holding Viewer Attention
    In a world where attention spans are dwindling, capturing and maintaining viewer engagement is paramount. Explainer videos are designed to hook viewers from the very beginning. Whether through a compelling opening scene, an intriguing narrative, or the promise of a solution to a pressing problem, these videos keep viewers engaged throughout their duration. This heightened engagement increases the chances that viewers will watch the entire video, absorbing your key messages.

  2. Boosting Conversions: Turning Viewers into Customers
    Ultimately, the success of a small business depends on its ability to convert viewers into customers. Explainer videos play a pivotal role in this process. These videos inspire action by effectively conveying the value of your offerings and building trust with your audience. Whether signing up for a newsletter, purchasing, or requesting more information, explainer videos are a persuasive medium that nudges viewers toward the desired action, thus contributing to higher conversion rates.

3. Brand Building

  1. Strengthening Brand Identity: Creating a Distinctive Image
    Small businesses often struggle to differentiate themselves in crowded markets. An explainer video provides an excellent opportunity to reinforce and communicate your brand identity. You can create a distinctive brand image that resonates with your target audience through consistent visual elements, tone of voice, and messaging. This not only helps in standing out but also in building brand recognition and loyalty.

  2. Increasing Brand Awareness: Making Your Mark in the Market
    Establishing brand awareness is a fundamental step in small business growth. Explainer videos serve as powerful brand ambassadors, capable of reaching a wide audience through various online platforms. When viewers remember your video content, they’re more likely to recall your brand when they have relevant needs or encounter your products or services elsewhere on the web. This contributes to building a strong and lasting presence in the market.

4. Competitive Edge

  1. Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace: Setting Your Business Apart
    The digital marketplace is saturated with businesses vying for attention. To thrive, small businesses must find innovative ways to distinguish themselves. Explainer videos provide a unique and engaging format that sets your business apart from competitors. Their visual appeal and ability to convey your business’s essence efficiently give you a competitive edge in capturing the interest of potential customers.

  2. Keeping Up with Trends: Embracing Visual Marketing
    Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, and visual content is at the forefront. Explainer videos align with the visual marketing trend, which audiences across demographics favor. By adopting this format, small businesses demonstrate their ability to stay current and adapt to changing consumer behaviors, which can boost credibility and appeal.

5. Cost-Effective Marketing

  1. Affordability: Producing High-Impact Videos on a Budget
    Small businesses often operate with limited marketing budgets. The good news is that explainer videos offer a cost-effective solution. Compared to traditional forms of advertising, such as television commercials, explainer videos are more budget-friendly to produce while delivering a high impact. This affordability allows small businesses to create compelling marketing content without straining their financial resources.

  2. Long-Term Value: Maximizing Returns on Your Investment
    One of the standout features of explainer videos is their enduring value. Once created, these videos can be leveraged repeatedly across various platforms and for different marketing purposes. They continue to engage and convert viewers long after their initial production. This long-term value ensures that your investment in explainer videos continues to deliver returns well beyond their initial release.

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Enhancing SEO Efforts: Appealing to Search Engine Algorithms
    Search engines like Google prioritize websites with video content in their search results. Videos enhance user experience by keeping visitors on a webpage longer, which reduces bounce rates—a metric that search engines consider when ranking websites. By incorporating explainer videos on your website, you provide valuable content to your audience and improve your SEO performance, increasing your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

  • Improved Online Visibility: Ranking Higher in Search Results
    Explainer videos contribute to your online visibility, ensuring that your business is more discoverable by potential customers. When your videos rank well in search results, they serve as gateways to your website, directing organic traffic to your online platforms. This increased visibility broadens your reach and positions your business as a trusted source of information within your industry or niche.

7. Flexibility Across Platforms

  • Versatile Deployment: Utilizing Videos Across Various Channels
    The versatility of explainer videos extends to their deployment. These videos can be used effectively on your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, landing pages, and more. Whether targeting organic search traffic or engaging with your audience on social media, explainer videos adapt seamlessly to different platforms, ensuring consistent and engaging messaging.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Reaching Your Audience Where They Are
    With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it’s essential to reach your audience on the devices they use most. Explainer videos are mobile-responsive and can be viewed on various screen sizes without losing their impact. This adaptability ensures that your messages resonate with your audience, whether they’re accessing content on a desktop computer or a mobile device.

8. Customer Education

  • Educating Your Audience: Addressing Frequently Asked Questions
    Explainer videos provide a platform to address common questions and concerns that potential customers may have. By proactively addressing these queries in an engaging video format, you educate your audience and demonstrate your commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction. This can instill trust and confidence in your brand.

  • Building Trust: Positioning Your Business as an Authority
    Trust is a critical factor in consumer decision-making. Explainer videos can build trust by showcasing your expertise and knowledge within your industry. When you provide valuable insights, answer questions, or offer solutions in an accessible video format, you position your business as an authority in your field. This positioning can influence purchasing decisions and foster long-term customer relationships.

Choosing the right explainer video company in Mumbai can significantly enhance your marketing efforts by providing high-quality, engaging videos that resonate with your target audience and improve your online visibility.

9. Measurable Results

  • Data-Driven Marketing: Tracking and Analyzing Video Performance
    One of the advantages of using explainer videos in your marketing strategy is the ability to measure their performance. Various analytics tools provide valuable data on how viewers interact with your videos. Metrics such as view counts, engagement rates, and conversion tracking offer insights into the effectiveness of your videos, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing strategy.

  • Adjusting Your Strategy: Fine-Tuning Based on Analytics
    The data collected from explainer video performance analytics empowers you to refine your marketing strategy continually. You can replicate their elements in future videos if specific videos perform exceptionally well. Conversely, if you notice areas for improvement, you can make adjustments to enhance your video content’s effectiveness. This iterative process ensures your marketing efforts become increasingly efficient and impactful.

Statistically, Explainer videos are the best content to attract and engage customers. 77% of global viewers watch an explainer video that lasts between one and two minutes. Explainer videos of sixty seconds in length have the highest customer retention rate compared with other forms of content. Numbers never lie.

Type of Explainer Videos for Small Business

  1. Animated Explainer Videos
  2. Live-Action Explainer Videos
  3. Whiteboard Explainer Videos
  4. Motion Graphics Explainer Videos
  5. Demo Videos
  6. Testimonial Explainer Videos
  7. Product or Service Showcase Videos

Small businesses can leverage various types of explainer videos to communicate their message effectively:

1. Animated Explainer Videos 

Use animation and storytelling to simplify complex ideas and engage a broad audience.

2. Live-Action Explainer Videos 

Showcase real people and scenarios to humanize your brand and build trust.

3. Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Engage through hand-drawn illustrations, ideal for tutorials and educational content.

4. Motion Graphics Explainer Videos 

Combine graphic design with animation to create visually appealing and dynamic content

5. Demo Videos

Demonstrate software or digital products step by step, aiding users in understanding and utilizing them.

6. Testimonial Explainer Videos 

Feature satisfied customers sharing their experiences, enhancing credibility and trust.

7. Product or Service Showcase Videos

Highlight your offerings, showcasing features, benefits, and value to drive conversions.

Tips To Make An Explainer Video for Small Businesses 

  1. Know Your Audience
  2. Define Clear Objectives
  3. Craft a Compelling Script
  4. Storyboard Your Ideas
  5. Choose the Right Style
  6. Use High-Quality Graphics
  7. Professional Voiceover
  8. Engage Early
  9. Convey a Problem-Solution Narrative
  10. Keep It Short
  11. Include a Call to Action (CTA)
  12. Optimize for Mobile
  13. Add Subtitles
  14. Brand Consistency
  15. Test and Iterate
  16. Promote Effectively
  17. Measure Success

Discover how to effectively convey your message and engage your audience through the power of visual storytelling.

1. Know Your Audience

 Understand your target audience’s preferences, pain points, and needs to tailor your video content to resonate with them.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Determine the specific goal of your explainer video, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, boosting conversions, or educating your audience.

3. Craft a Compelling Script

Write a concise, engaging script that conveys your message effectively. Keep it clear, concise, and focused on the viewer’s benefit.

4. Storyboard Your Ideas

Create a visual roadmap of your video’s scenes and transitions to ensure a coherent and engaging narrative flow.

5. Choose the Right Style

Select the type of explainer video that best suits your message, whether it’s animated, live-action, whiteboard, or another style.

6. Use High-Quality Graphics

Ensure that visuals, animations, and graphics are of high quality and align with your brand’s aesthetics.

7. Professional Voiceover

If using narration, hire a professional voice actor to deliver a clear and engaging message.

8. Engage Early

Capture viewers’ attention within the first few seconds to encourage them to watch the entire video.

9. Convey a Problem-Solution Narrative

Present a problem your audience faces and demonstrate how your product or service solves it.

10.Keep It Short

 Aim for a video duration between 60-90 seconds to maintain viewer engagement.

11. Include a Call to Action (CTA)

Prompt viewers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, signing up, or purchasing.

12. Optimize for Mobile

Ensure your video is mobile-responsive, as many viewers access smartphone content.

13. Add Subtitles

Include subtitles to make your video accessible to a broader audience and accommodate viewers who watch without sound.

14. Brand Consistency

Consistently incorporate your logo, colors, and messaging throughout the video.

15. Test and Iterate

 Gather feedback and analyze performance metrics to refine your video for better results.

16. Promote Effectively 

Share your explainer video on relevant platforms and channels to maximize its reach and impact.

17. Measure Success

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as view counts, engagement rates, and conversions to assess the video’s impact.

By following these tips, small businesses can create compelling explainer videos that effectively convey their message, engage their audience, and achieve their marketing objectives.

Best Explainer Video Examples For Small Business

This section showcases some of the best-animated explainer video examples tailored for small businesses. These videos illustrate how creative storytelling and engaging visuals can effectively convey complex ideas and capture the attention of your target audience.

  1. Slick Text Explainer Video

The SlickText explainer video leverages animation to convey information and create an engaging and visually captivating narrative. By combining vivid visuals, storytelling, clear messaging, and an emotional appeal, it captures and holds its audience’s attention throughout the video.

  1. RAMAN Animated Explainer Video 

The 2D animated video showcasing Netcore RAMAN, skillfully crafted by the creative team at mypromovideos, stands as an exemplary fusion of artistry and simplicity in conveying information. The visual aesthetics and graphics in the video are not merely informative but a testament to creativity. Through a harmonious blend of captivating visuals and simplified messaging, this video paints a vivid picture of RAMAN’s capabilities, making it an outstanding showcase of innovation and design excellence.

  1. TurtleMint Animated Explainer Video

The TurtleMint Animated Explainer Video is a shining example of precision and professionalism in articulating solutions for the insurance sector. From a creative standpoint, it is evident that every element has been meticulously crafted. The graphics are visually appealing and serve as a visual narrative, enhancing the viewer’s understanding. The voice-over adds a layer of clarity and engagement, guiding the audience seamlessly through the content. What truly sets this video apart is its attention to detail in the narrative flow, ensuring that every piece of information is presented cohesively and comprehensively. It’s a testament to the commitment to excellence in message and medium.

For businesses aiming to harness the power of animated storytelling, collaborating with a reputable explainer video company in Delhi can significantly enhance the effectiveness and reach of their content.


In conclusion, the power of well-crafted explainer videos for small businesses cannot be overstated. These versatile tools have the potential to revolutionize how businesses communicate, engage, and thrive in the digital age. From simplifying complex ideas to humanizing brands and fostering customer trust, explainer videos are vital in today’s competitive landscape. Their measurable impact, adaptability, and capacity to convey meaningful messages make them a cornerstone of modern marketing strategies.

Ready to bring your vision to life with stunning video content? Contact us, your trusted video production agency, today for a creative consultation, and let’s turn your ideas into captivating visuals that leave a lasting impression.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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