Five things that we did right at Mypromovideos!

Last Updated on July 13, 2023

It has been five years since this journey called Mypromovideos started. Along the path we came across many good times and a hell lot of testing times. Oh boy! The joy and the satisfaction when our client comes and says, “You guys are awesome and you were an integral part of our success”- that’s what makes our day and that’s what keep us going no matter how hard it is. On this day when we finish the journey of five years since we officially launched MPV, we wanted to look back and see what were the five most important things that helped us to get where we are today.


It was not a conscious decision. When we started, we did not know anything about funding. More than that, we never needed any funding as the computers we used had already been sponsored by our parents during our college days and of course our brains came with us for free. It was only our time that became our investment initially. We never had any investor sitting on our a** and trying to make us run in a race which we never wanted to run.Today we realize that it has given us a lot of freedom in the way we operate which is very important for a lifestyle business like ours.

Hiring people smarter than us:

We initially made a lot of mistakes in hiring, which is very natural for any first-generation entrepreneur and for a non-MBA to do. Fortunately, we hired some people who connected with our frequency and they are still working with us. Later when we were hiring at Mypromovideos, we usually looked for people who were much more talented than us and who could do the job a lot better than us. Basically, we wanted to have people who are smarter than us. Smart people are fast learners and they never feel shy to learn new things. Trust me, if you hire smart people with a good heart, they are the ones who will be running your business for you one day. After all they are smart for a reason.

Team culture:

From the beginning we were adamant on one thing and this was a very conscious decision. We wanted to have a culture where everyone was treated like a person and not like a resource. We encouraged team spirit and treated everyone equally. Great thing about having a strong culture is that the people who don’t fit in will automatically leave the flock.

No cheap services:

This was one of the most important decisions we had to take. We were getting a lot of low-budget projects which demanded less skill. But to do what we love with utmost passion demanded big budgets and it was a risk to stick to that because it meant that we might not get any projects and our cash flow would possibly run out. That’s when we figured out the very design of this world. If you do what you love with utmost passion, the result of the product you are doing will be awesome and there will always be a market to buy awesome things.

Trusting our instincts:

When it comes to decision making we always go by numbers and try to find a logical reason to go by the decision. But now when we look back at our path, it is when we trusted our heart that we have got our breakthroughs. We might not always find the right answers or right words to describe our thoughts. But for an entrepreneur to be successful, he has to trust his instincts and be willing to take risks.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
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