Sniffing out 2017!

Last Updated on July 13, 2023

A rewind of mypromovideos’ videos and events of 2017 through the voice of our pet Inba, the caravan hound!

Hello there! Hi! Hi ! Do you have a biscuit, do you have a bone, do you have a string, a thread at least? Do you have anything I could chew on? You do? Yay! I love you already! Let me sniff out 2017 for you folks!

Oh, oops…I got carried away a bit there. I’m Inba, also known as “Double Trouble”, Inbuliski, Inbasaurus, Inbu, Inbuji, Chukudu, Kipucha, Dai and many other names. I adopted Mypromovideos as my home in January 2017 and turned a complete one in December 2017 and so I am sure I am the best authority for summing up how the year has been for my family, don’t you agree?

In the beginning it was tough for me, I had not developed the fine nuance of creeping up on people unexpectedly back then and inevitably drew more attention to myself than I wanted. People also went into sighing fits around me, often whispering “cho chweet” which I think in their language is a warning that I am about to be  petted endlessly. I was made to endure dog food that I found, frankly, gross(Update: I am slowly getting used to it). But being the enterprising chap I am, I often hung around kitchen and blackmailed folks with my eyes to feed me whatever they were having.

A major change that happened this year was the logo – it changed and included an animal- before you start guessing, it wasn’t me. Sad, I know, they went with an elephant. But at least it looks cute and majestic. Hmm… I think they take me to be a human.

Mypromovideos also spread its wings and joined hands with Torus Tech and started overseas offices. Three paw shakes to that!

Some new faces came in- Parichay, Mohan, Ramesh and Dhruva. Parichay and Dhruva, they said, were interns and could not have the pleasure of my company for too long. No problem! We are going to get more interns from MIT, Pune and DJ Academy, Maharashtra, so I can spread love to them all. But do hope they come back.

Also read:- Top 15 Explainer videos of 2017

I saw my family create some pretty good videos. They kept saying this Xploree video went viral- I felt sorry for the video for the infection it got because I was sure this meant a trip to the video vet, but you know, for videos it seems viral infection is a good thing. I, meanwhile, was getting treated for viral infections I didn’t even have!

I was starting to understand that this video thing was more important to them than me, I didn’t like it. They created other videos they loved- Kettlelend, Bioxcel, Turtlemint…all the while rejecting my offers for a friendly tug-off-war game …such a superior display of self-control!

They were also working with this big company a lot… it did something called Mutual Funds…I don’t know what it is…but they said they were working on simplifying the matter. If I know my family right, by next year, I will know everything about it and will invest in dog chew toys!

They also created some “passion” projects like 8th Anniversary video,  video on coping with loneliness (they could have just said “get a dog”- all loneliness gone- silly people!) and many, many, many, many posters and gifs. How can someone have passion beyond food is beyond me!

Also read: Work Culture : We Put The Fun In The Fundamentals

Food! That reminds me of the awesome food festival we had for Diwali. We made food from all the regions of India- North, South, East, West. I was drooling for days!

There were a number of other celebrations too- Festivals, birthdays, Annual Day, New Year and more. Often they would leave me and go on “treats” but what is a treat without the main foodie(me) in the group? Thankfully, they mostly had a chewbone for me when they got back, so I  forgive them.

The best day of it all? It was my birthday- when I got this- my own throne:

They also celebrated some days- like some day for colors– I don’t get it- why do they celebrate colors? Smells or sounds, now that would have made more sense.

They also celebrated Heritage Day with some beautiful work.These monuments are nothing compared to the masterpieces I dig out everyday.

A group of folks went on a tough pilgrimage to Vellingiri malai from our office- what do I say? They climbed some hills and think it is a big deal. Let them live with that illusion.

A bunch of strangers came into our office one day- they called themselves Madrasters– I don’t know what they did but my family seemed very happy, so I guess it was a good thing.

My crazy family tried to get some method into their madness with  “Design Thinking” workshops by harvard-trained coach. I get lot more post its to play with these days!

I know a new fad hits this office every year- one year it was cricket, one it was cards, one it was dumb charades and do you know what it was this year? It was lottery! Every week they would go into this fervour praying for luck and imagining the crores they would make. And when they didn’t get it- I became the paper shredder for them! Humans, I say!

But I got my own lucky streak when I won challenge certificates– here, you can check them out:

On a side note- Dinesh and Aravind started keyboard classes and Udhay started flute classes, so when I write in next year I am sure I will have some points to add about their musical journey.

It was an exciting year, overall. I have gone from getting the reactions of “Ah! So cute” to “Aaaah! Will he bite me?” So I guess I have become powerful now. Confession: I have not really mastered the art of ferocious barking, or the science of biting human beings, as yet, but let this be our little secret, okay? If you ever come in, be sure to bring me something to chew on and you have a friend for life, I promise.

Well, I’m tired now, let me go sleep in the kitchen- my comfort zone.

Wishing you many licks and tail wags in 2018!!!

Woof! (I hope I got that bark right!)

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Picture of Vimida
Vimida is a self-proclaimed writer and creative director who thinks that more than 10 years of writing makes her eligible for the Pulitzer or Nobel or “somesuchthing” (well, she’s doesn’t care much about names, it is the sentiments that matter, right?) She often uses her BA English Gold Medal and Symbiosis Mass Communication background to finish off arguments, if they’re not going in her favour. Not being satisfied with writing, she has now decided to interfere in Creative Direction as well. When not at work, she can be seen in the company of her son, who has the uphill task of making his mom grow up right. You can get in touch with her on Facebook, or Twitter, or any social platform, because she signs up for a new one each day. She has many blogs,but she rarely blogs, so the best place to catch her work will be our website.
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