3 reasons why you should work for your client’s client

Last Updated on July 11, 2023

No, we aren’t going to fire your clients. Not that it is remotely possible. But what you can do is to change the way you work. Now don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you have to work any harder. Just imagine you are working on creating something- software, music or even homes. You are no different from an artist. And from an artist’s point of view, the product capability takes priority over the brand image.

As an artist, your prime goal is to understand what your client requires and deliver an end product which satisfies the client as well as solves his/her problem.

But is your client always the end user?

There may be times when your client is the end user of what you create but in most other cases, the ultimate user is your client’s client. In such a case who do you think you should focus on- your client or your client’s client? Obviously, the latter.

So here’s why you could consider working for your client’s client :

Helps you identify the difficulty at the grass-root level

Try solving a mathematical problem without any understanding of basic functions like addition, subtraction or multiplication. Understanding the grass-root challenges gives the clarity to look into new avenues which haven’t been looked into. This paves way for innovation. Innovation has always been about making things simpler and easier. So unless you are working from the grass-root level, you still haven’t innovated enough.


To achieve excellence

A technically sound satire movie cannot be called excellent unless it made the audience laugh. Excellence in work can be achieved only if you can think from the end user’s perspective. Good is never good enough and the only way to achieve excellence is by being in the end user’s shoes.

“What can be done in order to make his/her life a tad better/happier?” is all that you have to ask yourself to deliver excellence.


It is a responsibility

You work so much better when you know the amount of lives your work can impact and what happens when you don’t do your job to your maximum potential. A doctor having a bad day is alarming, because he is directly responsible for the life of a person. Likewise, irrespective of your profession, you are directly or indirectly responsible for at least one life. Taken in good light, responsibility is not pressure per se. Responsibility is gift because people trust you with it.


What difference did ‘working for client’s client’ bring about for MyPromoVideos?

Let me tell you how we at Mypromovideos figured out this philosophy. When Barks n’ Licks came to us for an animated video, deep inside, we felt a live shot video would connect much better than an animated video. A cute animated video would do the job any day. But doing the job was not enough for us,  we wanted people to share it, we wanted every dog owner to relate, we wanted to move hearts. So we took up the initiative to convince Barks n’ Licks to go ahead with the live shot video. And when the video became a hit, the joy is incomparable.

The application of this philosophy has indeed been path breaking. During our earlier days in the explainer video business, we spent too much time chopping the tree rather than sharpening the axe. But with experience and constant introspection, we found out that unless we look at things from the end user’s point of view, we are most definitely going to overlook a lot of important stuff. So we did a bit of sharpening the blade before we got back to cutting trees.

The philosophy has also taught us to go that extra mile to transform a good video into an excellent one! But more than any of the above reasons, working for your client’s clients is a work ethic. Work for your client’s clients and you will do a much better job at anything you wish to do!

Picture of vibin baburajan
vibin baburajan
mypromovideos, a leading video production company. With years of experience in the digital marketing industry, Vibin has developed a keen understanding of what it takes to create winning marketing strategies that drive business growth. At mypromovideos, Vibin uses his expertise to create innovative digital solutions that help clients achieve their marketing goals. Whether it's developing a targeted social media campaign, optimizing a website for search engines, or creating engaging content that resonates with audiences, Vibin has a proven track record of delivering results.
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