How Start-Ups Can Benefit from Animated Explainer Videos: An Outline

Benefit from Animated Explainer Videos

Last Updated on June 4, 2024

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Running a start-up isn’t a walk in the park. You’re juggling numerous tasks, from refining your offerings to managing your team. You gave all your sweat and blood to developing the product, but if it fails to reach the audience, all your efforts are in vain. In today’s era, where capturing audience attention is a formidable challenge, video marketing is a crucial strategy that cannot be neglected. And in this arena, animated explainer videos emerge as your powerful ally. Let’s explore how these videos can be the game-changer your start-up needs.

Before we get into the benefits of animated explainer videos, let’s start with an overview of the various types and styles of animated explainer videos that can effectively bring your startup’s story to life.

Whether you’re looking to create engaging content or simplify complex ideas, partnering with an explainer video company in Bangalore can provide the expertise needed to make your startup’s vision compelling and accessible.

Styles and Types of Explainer Animated Videos 

  1. Character-based animation: Telling stories through characters 
  2. Motion graphics: Presenting data and information dynamically
  3. Whiteboard animation: Visualizing concepts through drawings
  4. 3D animation: Adding depth and realism

1. Character-based animation: Telling stories through characters 

Character-based animation is a popular style of animated explainer videos that brings stories to life by using relatable characters. These characters serve as protagonists in your narrative, helping to create an emotional connection with your audience. By giving characters distinct personalities and placing them in relatable situations, you can effectively convey your startup’s message and value proposition. This style is handy for communicating complex ideas in an engaging and relatable manner.

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2. Motion graphics: Presenting data and information dynamically 

Motion graphics is a style that focuses on visually presenting data, information, and concepts dynamically and engagingly. This style utilizes animation to transform otherwise static content into visually appealing sequences. By incorporating movement, transitions, and visual effects, you can effectively capture and retain your audience’s attention, making it ideal for explaining intricate processes and statistics or showcasing product features.

3. Whiteboard animation: Visualizing concepts through drawings 

Whiteboard animation is a unique style that mimics drawing on a whiteboard or paper while narrating a story or explaining concepts. This style creates a sense of simplicity and authenticity as if the audience is witnessing the creation of illustrations in real-time. Whiteboard animation effectively breaks down complex ideas into simple, easy-to-understand visuals, making it an excellent choice for educational content or step-by-step explanations.

4. 3D animation: Adding depth and realism

3D animation adds depth, authenticity, and visual complexity to your explainer videos. This style involves creating three-dimensional objects, characters, and environments, allowing for a more immersive and engaging visual experience. 3D animation is well-suited for showcasing products with intricate details or demonstrating scenarios requiring depth and realism. While it can be more resource-intensive, its visual impact can be substantial.

The Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos for Start-Ups 

  1. Captivating Audience Attention
  2. Clear Communication of Value Proposition
  3. Establishing Brand Identity
  4. Building Credibility and Trust
  5. Increasing Conversion Rates
  6. Boosting SEO and Online Visibility
  7. Social Media Engagement
  8. Cost-Effective Marketing Tool
  9. Flexibility and Adaptability
  10. Analytics and Insights

Using Animated explainer videos offers many benefits for start-ups aiming to impact the competitive business landscape substantially. These videos serve as a versatile and powerful tool to achieve several key objectives:

1. Captivating Audience Attention 

  • Grabbing the audience’s interest with visually appealing animations: Animated explainer videos use captivating visuals, vibrant colors, and dynamic animations to capture and hold the viewer’s attention immediately.
  • Explaining complex ideas in a simplified and engaging manner: These videos break down intricate concepts into easily understandable visuals, making it simpler for viewers to grasp the information.

2. Clear Communication of Value Proposition 

  • Presenting the start-up’s unique value proposition concisely: Explainer videos briefly outline its target audience’s benefits and advantages.
  • Addressing pain points and offering solutions through storytelling: By weaving a compelling narrative, these videos show how the start-up’s products or services can solve specific problems for customers.

3. Establishing Brand Identity 

  • Incorporating brand colors, logos, and design elements: Animated videos can seamlessly integrate branding elements, fostering recognition and consistency across marketing materials.
  • Creating a memorable brand experience for potential customers: The visual and auditory elements in the videos contribute to creating a lasting impression of the brand.

4. Building Credibility and Trust 

  • Demonstrating expertise and knowledge in the industry: Through informative and educational content, start-ups can showcase their expertise and position themselves as industry leaders.
  • Providing informative and educational content to the audience: Sharing valuable insights within the videos enhances the start-up’s credibility and helps establish trust with the audience.

5. Increasing Conversion Rates 

  • Convincing potential customers about the start-up’s offerings: Explainer videos highlight the benefits of the products or services, making a persuasive case for why viewers should become customers.
  • Including solid calls to action (CTAs) to drive conversions: Well-placed CTAs guide viewers towards taking the desired action, such as signing up, purchasing, or requesting more information.

6. Boosting SEO and Online Visibility 

  • Utilizing video content to improve search engine rankings: Search engines favor video content, which can contribute to higher rankings in search results.
  • Sharing videos on various online platforms to expand reach: Sharing videos on social media, websites, and video-sharing platforms increases the start-up’s online visibility and reach.

7. Social Media Engagement 

  • Sharing animated videos on social media platforms: Engaging and shareable videos can enhance the start-up’s presence on social media.
  • Encouraging likes, shares, and comments to enhance engagement: Interactive and relatable videos encourage users to interact with the content, promoting viral sharing.

8. Cost-Effective Marketing Tool 

  • Exploring cost savings compared to other marketing strategies: Animated explainer videos can provide a higher return on investment than traditional advertising methods.
  • Achieving a broad reach without significant expenses: The digital nature of videos allows start-ups to reach a global audience without extensive resources.

Collaborating with an explainer video company in Mumbai can offer local start-ups tailored solutions to create captivating and effective animated videos.

9. Flexibility and Adaptability 

  • Repurposing animated videos for different marketing campaigns: The same video can be adapted for various campaigns, saving time and effort.
  • Tailoring videos to fit various platforms and target audiences: Videos can be customized to match the preferences and expectations of different audiences on various platforms.

10. Analytics and Insights 

  • Tracking viewer engagement and behavior through analytics: Data-driven insights from video analytics help start-ups understand viewer behavior and preferences.
  • Using data to refine future video marketing strategies: By analyzing viewer data, start-ups can refine their content, delivery, and messaging for more effective future videos.

Examples of Successful B2B Start-Ups Using Animated Explainer Videos 

Example 1: ClimaCell Collaborates with Google Cloud

In collaboration with Google Cloud, this animated explainer video by ClimaCell effectively communicates their partnership and offers free access to ClimaCell’s CBAM (ClimaCell Business Assistance for Monsoons) in India. The video employs a combination of animation and real-world footage to engage the audience. It starts with an attention-grabbing introduction and then uses clear visuals, concise messaging, and relatable storytelling to explain the benefits of its service. The video communicates value and establishes credibility by solving a specific problem (monsoon forecasting in India).

Example 2 : Cribil Overview Video

Cribl’s animated explainer video provides an engaging overview of its data management solution. The video combines humor (the observe-billy-goat character) with a clear explanation of the problem Cribl solves: managing and optimizing data. It simplifies a complex topic using relatable and playful visuals, making it easier for the audience to understand the value proposition. The video also highlights the flexibility and control that Cribl offers to its users, making it appealing to businesses looking to streamline their data processes.

These examples demonstrate how animated explainer videos can effectively convey a B2B start-up’s message, address pain points, and engage the audience by simplifying complex concepts through creative and engaging storytelling. These videos play a crucial role in establishing brand identity, building trust, and driving conversions in the B2B space.

How To Integrate Animated Videos into Your Buyer’s Journey?

  1. Awareness stage: Introducing products/services
  2. Consideration stage: Detailing benefits and features
  3. Decision stage: Influencing purchasing choices

Startup videos can be a powerful tool when strategically integrated into the buyer’s journey, guiding potential customers through awareness, consideration, and decision-making. Here’s how you can effectively leverage startup videos at each stage:

1. Awareness stage: Introducing products/services 

At the awareness stage, your goal is to capture the attention of your target audience and introduce them to your startup’s products or services. Use startup videos to create a memorable first impression and pique viewers’ interest:

  • Explainer Videos: Create short animated explainer videos that succinctly introduce your startup, its mission, and the problem your product or service solves. Focus on your audience’s pain points and how your solution can address them.
  • Teaser Videos: Craft teaser videos that offer a sneak peek into your upcoming product or service launch. Teasers generate curiosity and anticipation, encouraging viewers to learn more in the following stages.

2. Consideration stage: Detailing benefits and features 

In the consideration stage, potential customers seek more information about your offerings. Provide in-depth content that showcases the benefits and features of your products or services:

  • Product Feature Videos: Create videos that dive into the specific characteristics of your product or service. Highlight how each feature addresses customer pain points and improves their experience.
  • Customer Testimonials: Incorporate video testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced positive results with your offerings. Real-life success stories can build trust and credibility.
  • Comparison Videos: If applicable, create videos that compare your product or service to competitors’ offerings. Focus on what sets your startup apart and why your solution is better.
  • Demo Videos: Offer detailed demonstrations of how your product works, showcasing its functionality and ease of use. Help viewers visualize how your solution fits into their workflow.

3. Decision stage: Influencing purchasing choices

At the decision stage, potential customers evaluate options and decide whether to purchase. Use startup videos to provide the final push and address any remaining doubts:

  • Case Study Videos: Showcase case studies highlighting how your product or service has positively impacted other businesses or individuals. Use data and testimonials to validate your claims.
  • ROI and Value Videos: Create videos that outline the return on investment (ROI) and the value customers can expect from choosing your solution. Provide tangible evidence of the benefits they’ll gain.
  • Free Trial or Demo Videos: Offer video walkthroughs of your product’s free trial or demo version. This helps potential customers experience your solution firsthand and understand its value.
  • Limited-Time Offers or Discounts: If applicable, create videos announcing special offers, discounts, or promotions. Urgency and exclusivity can encourage viewers to make a purchasing decision.

By strategically integrating startup videos into the buyer’s journey, you can effectively engage potential customers, educate them about your offerings, and influence their decision-making process. Remember to align your video content with the needs and preferences of your target audience at each stage and consistently deliver value through informative and compelling videos.

Where Should You Use Animated Explainer Videos in Marketing Strategy?

  1. Landing pages: Engaging and guiding visitors
  2. Social media platforms: Amplifying reach and engagement
  3. Email marketing: Elevating click-through rates
  4. Investor presentations: Making a memorable impact

1. Landing pages: Engaging and guiding visitors 

Animated explainer videos on landing pages can capture visitors’ attention immediately and provide a concise overview of your startup’s offerings. They guide visitors through your value proposition and encourage them to explore further, ultimately increasing the chances of conversion.

2. Social media platforms: Amplifying reach and engagement 

Share animated explainer videos on various social media platforms to reach a wider audience. These videos are highly shareable and can help you expand your online presence. They also tend to generate higher engagement in likes, comments, and shares, making them a valuable asset for social media marketing.

3. Email marketing: Elevating click-through rates 

Include animated explainer videos in your email marketing campaigns to enhance engagement. Video thumbnails in email messages can lead to higher click-through rates. Videos provide a dynamic and visual way to convey your message and encourage recipients to take action.

4. Investor presentations: Making a memorable impact

Utilize animated explainer videos during investor presentations to effectively communicate your startup’s vision, market potential, and value proposition. Well-crafted videos can help you make a memorable impact on potential investors, illustrating complex concepts clearly and engagingly.

Choosing a Professional Animation Partner 

  1. 7 Benefits of collaborating with experienced animation studios
  2. 10 Factors to consider when selecting the right animation agency

When searching for an explainer video company in Delhi, ensure they have a proven track record of creating compelling animated videos that resonate with your target audience.

1. 7 Benefits of collaborating with experienced animation studios 

  • Quality and Expertise: Experienced animation studios have a proven record of delivering high-quality animations. They have the expertise to create visually appealing and engaging videos that effectively convey your message.
  • Creative Skills: Professional animators deeply understand animation principles, storytelling techniques, and visual design. They can bring innovative ideas and tailor the animation style to your brand and message.
  • Efficiency: Established studios have streamlined production processes and can efficiently manage your project from concept to completion. This ensures timely delivery and minimizes potential delays.
  • Customization: Experienced studios can tailor the animation style to match your brand identity and target audience. They can adapt their approach to create a video that suits your needs and objectives.
  • Scriptwriting and Storyboarding: Many animation studios offer scriptwriting and storyboarding services, which are crucial for creating a compelling narrative and visual flow in your video.
  • Voiceover and Sound: Professional studios often have access to a pool of talented voiceover artists and sound designers, ensuring that your video has high-quality audio elements that enhance the viewer’s experience.
  • Revisions and Feedback: Reputable studios are open to client feedback and corrections. They work closely with you to make necessary adjustments and ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

2. 10 Factors to consider when selecting the right animation agency

  • Portfolio and Samples: Review the studio’s portfolio and previous work to assess their style, quality, and versatility. Look for projects that align with your vision and objectives.
  • Client Testimonials and References: Seek feedback from past clients to gauge the studio’s professionalism, communication, and ability to meet deadlines. References can provide valuable insights into the client-agency relationship.
  • Budget: Determine your budget for the animation project and inquire about the studio’s pricing structure. Ensure that their pricing aligns with your financial constraints.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Evaluate the studio’s communication process. Effective collaboration is essential for a successful project. Ensure they are responsive to your inquiries and open to your ideas and feedback.
  • Project Timeline: Discuss the expected timeline for your project. A clear and realistic schedule ensures that the project progresses smoothly and is delivered on time.
  • Expertise in Your Industry: Consider whether the studio has experience working within your industry or niche. Familiarity with your industry can lead to more targeted and effective animations.
  • Creative Input: Assess the studio’s ability to contribute creatively to your project. Are they willing to provide suggestions and ideas to enhance your video’s impact?
  • Contract and Legalities: Ensure that you have an explicit agreement that outlines project scope, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and ownership rights. Legal clarity is essential to protect both parties.
  • Technology and Tools: Inquire about the software and tools the studio uses. Up-to-date technology can result in more polished animations.
  • Scalability: Consider the studio’s capacity to handle your project, especially if you anticipate ongoing animation needs or future projects.

Choosing the right animation agency involves careful research and consideration. By partnering with an experienced and reputable studio that aligns with your objectives and values, you can create animated explainer videos that effectively engage your audience and achieve your communication goals.


In summary, animated explainer videos are a powerful tool for startups to engage their audience and drive growth. Partnering with experienced animation studios is crucial, and factors like portfolio evaluation, budget, and communication must be considered. These videos should be strategically placed on landing pages, social media, email marketing, and investor presentations to maximize their impact. Overall, animated explainer videos simplify complex concepts, enhance brand recognition, and drive engagement, making them valuable for startup success.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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