Animated Videos for Business: A Look at the Future of Online Marketing

Last Updated on March 13, 2024

Animated videos are among the most popular tools for businesses to promote their products and services. They are an engaging and effective way to convey information and can be used in a variety of ways such as explainer videos, product demos, and marketing campaigns.

There are many benefits to using animated videos for business. Among the most notable are that they can convey complex information in a simpler format. They present a product or service in a much more engaging way. There’s much more, and we’ll get into all that below.

What Are Animated Videos?

Animated videos are a form of digital animation that has been carefully structured and written for a specific purpose. You can use an animated video for almost anything. You can tell a story, present a product, promote a service, introduce your brand, entertain, and so on. The possibilities and benefits are endless.

In this guide, we will dive into exactly that: the benefits and use cases of animated videos for business, to be more specific. You will find out how this type of video can shape the future of online marketing and drive the growth of your business.

Different Types of Animated Videos for Business

One type of animated video can not be used for any business purpose. But, this is a good thing. Knowing what your goals are will easily determine what type of animated video your business needs.

Here is what you need to know.

Explainer Videos

An explainer video is usually a short animated video that serves only one purpose – to introduce a new product or service in the simplest, most engaging, and entertaining way. That’s it!


Pro tip : Start-ups and small businesses love explainer videos. Why? Because the results and returns they get on them are incredible.

Product Demos

Product demos are similar to explainer videos but have a different purpose. These videos are here to explain how a product or service works in detail. They still need to be relatively short and simple. The goal is to make anyone understand it.

While an explainer video introduces a new product or service and its benefits, a product demo shows you exactly how to use it, taking customers down the buying process even further.

Whiteboard Animation

This form of animation leverages its simplicity to help explain various terms more easily. It finds its best use cases in education. Whiteboard animation is elegant, clean, and simple, offering one of the best ways to learn something new.

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Main Benefits of Animated Marketing Videos for Business

The ultimate goal of an animated video for business is often to help drive sales, improve the company’s reputation, and generally result in growth.

But, how these videos help achieve this can be explained in a couple of different ways. Here’s what you need to know.

Convey Complex Information

Animated videos are among the best vessels to convey complex information and present it in a simple form, one that anyone can understand. If a concept is complex, long, and boring, the right animated video can make it simple, short, and entertaining to learn. That’s a great way to entice anyone to watch and hear what you have to say.

Showcase Diverse Products and Services

A very rewarding thing you can do that will improve your company’s sales is to allow potential customers to see your product or service in action. With an animated business video, you can design and present your product or service in any way you wish. You can highlight certain benefits, promote all its use cases, and make everyone aware of how useful your products and services are.

Improve Brand Awareness

The more fans your brand has, the more your conversion rate will reward you. Think of it like this: the same 3% conversion rate doesn’t mean the same results for 100 customers as it does for 1000 customers.

If 1000 customers result in a 3% conversion rate, that’s 30 sales. Whereas if 100 customers visit at a 3% conversion rate, that’s only 3 sales. There is a massive difference.

For those reasons, it is absolutely worthwhile investing in something that would help grow your brand. Animated videos are among the most effective methods for such growth.

Internal Communication and Training

In addition to helping your business grow, animated videos can also serve another highly useful purpose. You can create branded animated videos for businesses that you can use to train new employees. This is an internal way to use these videos and one that will save you countless hours of training, explaining, and dealing with new staff members.

How to Use Animated Videos for Business

Let’s imagine you’ve finally gotten hold of your first animated video for your business. You might have even used the help of MyPromoVideos to create the most professional and optimized animated videos for business out there.


Now, here are several ways you can instantly put this video to good use:

Your Website (Landing Pages)

The best place to put your new animated video is on your website. To be more precise, try to make it the first thing new visitors see when they arrive on the site. This usually means placing the video on the header of the homepage.

If your website is not the main source of traffic for your business and you have something like a Kickstarter campaign that receives more traffic, then position the video on that page instead.

Social Media

Your social media accounts such as Instagram or Facebook are also excellent sources of traffic that bring exposure to your business. As a result, go ahead and post your new video on all of your accounts as well. Remember, the more people see it the more business you can potentially drive from this one video.

Trade Shows and Events

Various trade shows that are related to your business offer a lot of targeted traffic. People who may be interested in what you have to offer will get a chance for you to present to them. Letting a strategically created animated video do all the work for you is by far the easiest and a highly efficient way to get more sales or leads.

Email List

This one may take a bit more work to smooth out the edges but it also has incredible potential. If you have an email list, you can try to implement the video in an email, trying to convert some of your previous customers to your new product or service that the animated video is trying to capture.

If done right, sending an email like this could bear incredible results and a staggeringly high conversion rate. Just remember, instead of trying to attach the video in the email, just place it with a link.

Customer Testimonials

Creating animated testimonials of brands and customers your business has helped is one of the best ways to present what you can offer to other prospects. It allows you to have full control of displaying the benefits that you offer and makes the whole process entertaining to watch.

4 Examples of Animated Videos for Business

You’re about to see a few examples of what an animated video designed for business purposes can look like. This will give you a better idea and understanding of the power that these videos can hold.

4 Examples of Animated Videos for Business
Video icon. 3d render illustration.


This is a video for an app called AppWrapper. It introduces and explains the benefits of a new app, designed to facilitate launching your own app. Without the video to quickly present the main pain points and the solution, it would have been very difficult to explain how and who will benefit from using this app.


This is a product demo video. It quickly and directly explains how to use a new app on the market. Instead of having webinars or incredibly long text guides explaining the benefits of the app, this quick 30-second video gets right to the point. It shows the viewer exactly what they can get from the app and whether or not it can help solve their problems.


This explainer video introduces a new product, explaining who it’s for, what it’s for, how it can benefit you, and why you need it. It does all of this in just under 50 seconds. There’s no need for further explanation about the power of animated videos for business.

Vital Beats

One minute is all it took for this Vital beats explainer video to present and help people understand a fairly complex process related to health and the medical industry. It clearly displays who needs to see this and who can benefit from what the company has to offer.

We’ve already seen the incredible potential of animated marketing videos for businesses in the past. Now, we have to be on top of things and detect their main use cases for the future.

Spotting Future Trends For Animated Videos in Online Marketing

Here are some ideas that could prove promising. Some of them are already showing very rewarding results.

Animated Reels

Instagram and TikTok Reels have become astonishingly powerful for helping businesses reach new audiences and sell their products and services. With the right budget, you can automate the process of creating sort of mini-animated videos that you can post as Reels on Instagram and TikTok.

This way, you can create all sorts of content for your business. You can promote services, educate users, explain your products, and so on.

Interactive Animated Videos

What if you could click and guide the progression of the video based on what you want to see? This is not yet fully commercial but has a great possibility to be realized now more than ever before.

With interactive animated videos, you can allow your customers to view different scenarios of the same video. Maybe they want to learn about a specific feature or see its particular benefits only. Instead of creating separate videos for each scenario, you can then place everything in one.

VR Animated Videos

Imagine viewers watching your animated video from the inside. They get to walk around your video, see and experience your products or services, and get as close as possible to experiencing what you offer themselves.

This is the power of virtual reality. This is very much possible and could be the new way we watch animated videos for business in the very near future.

AI Animated Videos

Artificial Intelligence has never been more powerful than it is today. It grows more popular and beneficial for us by the day. This technology can be used to create and perfectly optimize business animated videos for any audience, helping to increase sales significantly.

How to Make an Animated Video for Business

There are several key processes that you must consider when creating an animated video for your business.

How to Make an Animated Video for Business
  • Set clear goals: The first, and maybe most important step is to define your goals. Why are you creating this animated video and what do you hope to achieve with it?
  • Define your target audience: Next, you must understand who your ideal customers are. With this information, you are extremely likely to succeed and improve sales.
  • Write the script: The script is also the story of the video. It determines what the video will talk about and how your products or services will be presented. Don’t rush this!
  • Voice-over: Next, you need to record the script with a high-quality voice-over. Letting a professional do this task is usually a smarter choice.
  • Choose the animation style: This decision will be based mostly on your budget. You can choose between 3D, 2D, stop-motion, and motion graphics. You can research to see which is the most expensive. But, if you know who to animate in any way, do that.
  • Background music and FX: Your video needs high-quality audio and appropriate sound effects to be professional. Looking at animated video background music examples can help you see what we mean.
  • Final edits: Now, you have all of your elements to create a unique and effective animated video for your company. The final step is to mix it all together into a short, entertaining, and insightful piece of content.

Alternatively, you can outsource this entire difficult task to experts. MyPromoVideos has the experience and industry knowledge to significantly facilitate making an animated video for any purpose or goal.

For any advice, feel free to


Overall, animated videos are a powerful tool that can help you and your business achieve better results. You can take advantage of the right animated video to convey any type of information and eventually increase sales as a direct result of it.

Have a video in mind?

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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