Where and how can I use an animated video?

Last Updated on May 9, 2023

Where and how can I use an animated video?

Indian Mythology is replete with stories. One such story is of a wise sage. He got all his disciples to gather around him. Now he gave each of them a long piece of thread- nothing fancy- just a simple white cotton thread.

“Take a good look at the piece thread in your hand, and now tell me what you can use it for. I want you to give me as many ideas as possible. As long as the thread is being used, there is no wrong answer”, he said.

Needless to say, the disciples started coming up with ideas- some ordinary, some brilliant, some outrageous and some naughty. The piece of thread could be used to stitch, it could be used to string canes together, it could be used to tie hair or around the wrist as fashion statement, it could be used in craft, in wall hangings…the ideas were many and diverse.

Once he was done listening to all the ideas, the wise sage said, “The thread is just a tool. There is no limit to the ways in which it can be used. As long as our mind is willing”

Now I totally just made up the story above. Heh-heh-heh. Sorry! But seriously, it was for a reason- it was to explain how animated videos are like that thread. There is no limit to the ways in which they can be used. So, so,so many places- across industries and fields. As if to prove this point, people are coming up with new, interesting ways each day.


This term is done-to-death and I dislike the term a lot because of over usage. But you know what these Explainers are- these are videos that take a complex topic and simplify it in such a way that the target market understands.

(Nestaway explainer video)

Landing Page :

These videos could explain, or maybe just showcase what the brand stands for, or just act like an attractive centerpiece of the website, showcasing what you do.


Animated videos work brilliantly when it comes to building your brand- they can be subtle or exciting, friendly, quick-witted or dazzling…name it! You could use it to spell out your belief or use it to build awareness. When done right, branding videos can go viral and go a long way to building brand loyalty. You can use Social media and Youtube to engage your audience.


Educational Collateral:

Need to teach? Well, regardless of the subject being taught, here’s something all students have in common- they find the class BORING! Unless, you find a way to pep things up. And we all know one medium that could be entertaining and educational at the same time…guess what?

(KAI- Hindustan)

Inspiring and Motivating:

Yes, as I’ve said before- animated videos connect well, and if you can club it with a good copy- it can really pump up the soul.

(Young Indians)


If you are participating in an event, or sponsoring one, it is a wonderful video opportunity. Create a bright video to attract people to your stall, or a video that speaks about why you connect to the event as a brand and both will work fabulously.

(Champions are forever)

Animated videos could be used for sales pitches and elevator pitches. They are also cool when used in meetings and shows. HR could use these videos for team recruitment or employee training, and they could instruct people on how to use equipment. They are already a rage in the ad world, so I won’t even go into that. But seriously, even after mentioning ALL these places, I have only touched the tip of the iceberg.

In my honest and very humble opinion, an animated video conveys every message better. You just need to keep an open mind and come up with creative ways to use it- like my made-up thread story taught you!

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Picture of Vimida
Vimida is a self-proclaimed writer and creative director who thinks that more than 10 years of writing makes her eligible for the Pulitzer or Nobel or “somesuchthing” (well, she’s doesn’t care much about names, it is the sentiments that matter, right?) She often uses her BA English Gold Medal and Symbiosis Mass Communication background to finish off arguments, if they’re not going in her favour. Not being satisfied with writing, she has now decided to interfere in Creative Direction as well. When not at work, she can be seen in the company of her son, who has the uphill task of making his mom grow up right. You can get in touch with her on Facebook, or Twitter, or any social platform, because she signs up for a new one each day. She has many blogs,but she rarely blogs, so the best place to catch her work will be our website.
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