Explainer Video Script Examples with Creative Ideas To Write Explainer Video Scripts

What are some great examples of explainer video scripts

Last Updated on May 30, 2024

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Ever wondered what makes an explainer video truly shine? It all starts with the script, the invisible backbone that breathes life into your message. Think of it as the blueprint for your video, guiding viewers through your complex idea in a clear, concise, and engaging way.

Explainer video examples script abound online, showcasing diverse formats and creative approaches. But remember, effectiveness lies in crafting a script unique to your story. A well-written script is your secret weapon, ensuring your video:

  • Hooks viewers: Captivating introductions grab attention and set the tone for your message.
  • Flows seamlessly: Logical transitions guide viewers through your points, preventing confusion.
  • Resonates deeply: Compelling language and relatable scenarios connect with your audience on an emotional appeal level.
  • Drives action: Clear calls to action leave viewers knowing what to do next.

Don’t underestimate the power of a script. Explore explainer video script examples for inspiration, but remember, the key to success lies in tailoring it to your brand and audience. With a well-crafted script, your explainer video will transform from a good idea into a powerful communication tool.

Ready to script your explainer video success story? Stay tuned for how long should an explainer video be, creative ideas and examples that will help you craft a script that shines! 

Explainer Video Script Templates

To better understand the impact of well-crafted explainer video scripts, let’s explore some noteworthy visual storytelling examples that have effectively captured audiences’ attention and conveyed their messages concisely.

30-Second Explainer Video Script Template 

Introduction: [Engaging Animation] Welcome to Smartowner, your trusted partner for smart real estate investments!

Problem Identification: [Narrator] In today’s fast-paced world, finding lucrative real estate investment opportunities can be challenging and time-consuming.

Solution Presentation: [Narrator] Enter Smartowner, a cutting-edge platform that simplifies real estate investments like never before.

Benefits and Features: [Visual Showcase] Smartowner provides exclusive access to carefully vetted real estate projects with high growth potential. Through fractional ownership, you can invest in premium properties with minimal capital. The platform offers transparent reporting and expert insights, empowering you to make informed investment decisions.

Call to Action: [Narrator] Take charge of your investment journey with Smartowner. Join us today and unlock the power of smart real estate investments. Embrace a future of financial growth with Smartowner!

60-Second Explainer Video Script Template

Introduction: [Engaging Animation] Welcome to the future of healthcare with Vital Beats!

Problem Identification: [Narrator] In the bustling world of healthcare, hospitals face challenges in combining vast amounts of patient data from various sources.

Solution Presentation: [Narrator] Enter Vital Beats, a cutting-edge software platform that seamlessly integrates wearable devices, health records, medical devices, and patient-generated data.

Benefits and Features: [Visual Showcase] Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Vital Beats generates predictions and alerts, providing healthcare professionals with valuable insights for timely interventions and personalized care.

Call to Action: [Narrator] Embrace the revolution in healthcare with Vital Beats. Join us in transforming patient outcomes and advancing medical practices. Experience the power of data analytics-driven healthcare today!

90-Second Explainer Video Script Template 

Introduction: [Engaging Animation]  Ready to effortlessly boost your revenue? With Selleasy, turning every customer into a profit opportunity is not just a dream – it’s a logical solution for your business.

Problem Identification:[Narrator] Missing out on potential revenue from every customer? Selleasy addresses this by maximizing opportunities presented by each customer, ensuring you don’t settle for less.

Solution Presentation: [Narrator] Selleasy, your ultimate partner, offers a range of upsell and cross-sell experiences tailored to seamlessly fit your brand. Picture selling not just one item but an entire collection, all with the flexibility to choose recommendations or use our cutting-edge AI.

Benefits and Features: [Narrator] Unlock revenue potential effortlessly with Selleasy’s tailored upsell experiences. From ‘Frequently Bought Together’ bundles to seamless add-on selection, our sophisticated widgets and cart carousels maximize sales. Drive post-purchase upsells with exclusive deals, boosting revenue effortlessly with Selleasy’s intuitive approach.

Call to Action: [Narrator] Unlock your store’s potential with a risk-free trial of Selleasy. Enjoy a perfect fit with our complimentary setup assistance. Don’t miss out – let Selleasy boost your sales effortlessly!

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B2B Explainer Video Script Template

Introduction: [Engaging Animation] Welcome to the world of seamless data integration with Zipstack!

Problem Identification: [Narrator] In the fast-paced B2B landscape, businesses struggle with data fragmentation and siloed systems, hindering their ability to harness the true potential of their data.

Solution Presentation: [Narrator] Say hello to Zipstack, the all-in-one Cloud Data Stack designed to streamline your data operations.

Benefits and Features: [Visual Showcase] With integrated Connectors, Zipstack effortlessly pulls data from various sources. Its Lakehouse architecture ensures data accessibility and real-time querying. The in-place federated querying engine simplifies data access across platforms, while transformation and orchestration engines optimize data workflows. Robust security features safeguard your sensitive information, ensuring compliance and peace of mind.

Call to Action: [Narrator] Take your data operations to new heights with Zipstack. Embrace the power of a unified Cloud Data Stack and revolutionize your business intelligence. Experience the simplicity and efficiency of Zipstack today!

To take your explainer videos to the next level, consider partnering with an explainer video company in Bangalore known for its innovative and effective visual storytelling techniques. Stay tuned for more tips and insights to help you craft the perfect explainer video script!

Why Explainer Video Script Matters? 

Explainer video scripts are written narrative flow or voice-over script for animated videos that aim to explain a product, service, concept, or idea in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. These scripts serve as the foundation for creating compelling explainer videos that effectively communicate complex information to a target audience.

By blending visual transitions, color psychology and persuasive language, engagement techniques, explainer video scripts have the power to captivate audiences, simplify intricate concepts, and leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will delve into the significance of explainer video scripts and discover great examples that successfully convey complex ideas, showcase products or services, and set new standards for compelling communication in the world of animated explainer videos

The success of an explainer video heavily relies on the quality of its script. A well-crafted explainer video script holds immense importance as it serves as the blueprint for the entire video production process.

Importance of a Well-Crafted Script 

A well-written script lays the foundation for a compelling and coherent explainer video. It acts as a roadmap, guiding the visual appeal and auditory elements to seamlessly convey the intended message. A clear and concise script ensures that the video communicates the core ideas effectively with interactive elements, leaving no room for confusion or misunderstanding.

Impact on Audience Engagement and Conversion Rates 

An engaging script has a direct impact on engagement and audience retention. A well-crafted narrative structure, coupled with captivating visuals, keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. When viewers are engaged, they are more likely to watch the video in its entirety, increasing the chances of influencing their decision-making process. Consequently, a compelling script can significantly boost user interaction rates and achieve the desired objectives of the explainer video.

How to Write a Great Explainer Video Script in 6 Simple Steps [Cheatsheet]

Crafting an effective explainer video script requires a strategic approach that combines storytelling, persuasion, and clarity. This cheatsheet outlines key elements essential for a successful script:

Crafting an Engaging Hook

The hook is the first few seconds of the video that grabs the viewers’ attention and entices them to keep watching. It can be in the form of an intriguing question, a relatable scenario, or an attention-grabbing visual.

Developing a Clear Problem Statement

Identify the pain points or challenges faced by the target audience. Clearly articulate the problem to resonate with viewers and make them feel understood.

Presenting the Solution with Clarity

Explain the product, service, or concept being offered as the solution to the identified problem. Use simple language and visual appeal to make the solution easily understandable.

Showcasing the Value Proposition

Highlight the unique selling points and benefits of the solution. Clearly communicate how it addresses the audience’s needs and improves their lives.

Implementing a Strong Call to Action

Encourage viewers to take action after watching the video. Whether it’s visiting a website, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase, a clear and persuasive call to action is vital for driving desired outcomes.

Keeping the Script Concise and Impactful

Maintain a concise and focused script to keep the audience engaged throughout the video. Avoid unnecessary details and prioritize impactful messaging to deliver the core message effectively.

Explainer Video Script Template: Do they help? 

Explainer video script templates offer valuable assistance in streamlining the writing process and ensuring a well-structured narrative pacing. However, crafting an effective explainer video script can be a daunting task, especially for those new to the process. 

Benefits of Using a Script Template 

Using a script template brings several benefits to the table. Firstly, it provides a clear framework, ensuring that essential elements like problem identification, solution presentation, and call to action are included. Secondly, templates save time and effort by offering a pre-designed structure with adaptability to suit the specific message and brand. Lastly, templates enhance consistency across videos, maintaining a unified voice and style.

How to Leverage a Script Template Effectively

To make the most of a script template, one must customize it to align with the unique brand personality and target audience. Incorporate brand-specific language, tone, and visuals to make the script feel authentic. Moreover, be flexible in adapting the template to suit the specific message and desired video length. While templates offer guidance, infusing creativity and originality will elevate the final script, ensuring it stands out and resonates with the intended viewers.

Explainer Video Scriptwriting FAQ

Curious about writing an effective explainer video script? Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you:

Q1. How long should my script be?

The ideal script length depends on the video’s purpose and platform. For most explainer videos, keeping the script between 60 to 90 seconds is recommended. This ensures a concise and engaging message that holds the viewers’ attention.

Q2. How long does it take to write a script?

The time required to write a script can vary based on complexity, research, and revisions. Generally, it takes around 1 to 3 days to draft a 60-second script. However, this can be longer for more intricate topics or shorter for straightforward messages.

Q3. What does it cost to write a script for an animated explainer video?

The cost of scriptwriting for an animated explainer video depends on multiple factors such as the video’s length, complexity, and the expertise of the scriptwriter. On average, professional scriptwriting services can range from $200 to $500 per minute of video content.

Want to See Expertly Crafted Explainer Video Script Samples? 

If you’re seeking inspiration for your explainer video script, look no further! Mypromovideos offers a treasure trove of expertly crafted best explainer videos examples to elevate your brand messaging and captivate your audience.

Get Your Script Written by Mypromovideos

With a team of skilled scriptwriters, Mypromovideos specializes in creating compelling narratives tailored to your specific needs. From how to make an explainer video creative direction to persuasive calls to action, their scripts are designed to leave a lasting impact on your viewers.

Mypromovideos Explainer Video Demo Reel 

Experience the magic of Mypromovideos’ work through their captivating demo reel. Witness how the explainer video company has successfully transformed complex concepts into engaging animated explainer videos that resonate with audiences across various industries.

Client Success Stories and Testimonials 

Don’t just take our word for it! Discover firsthand accounts of client success stories and testimonials. Hear from satisfied customers who have witnessed the transformation of their ideas into powerful visual composition through Mypromovideos’ scriptwriting expertise.

Get an Animated Explainer Video for Your Business 

Are you ready to take your business to new heights with a captivating animated explainer video? Mypromovideos is here to bring your brand story to life with their top-notch animation services.

Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos from Mypromovideos 

Partnering with Mypromovideos for your animated explainer video offers an array of benefits. Firstly, their team of skilled animators and scriptwriters ensures a visually stunning and engaging video that captures your audience’s attention. Secondly, animated explainer videos are highly versatile and can simplify complex ideas, making them ideal for educating, marketing, and driving conversions. Moreover, these videos can enhance your brand’s online presence and boost search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility and potential customer reach.

Mypromovideos stands out as the premier explainer video company in Mumbai, delivering high-quality and impactful animated explainer videos tailored to elevate your brand’s message.

The Mypromovideos Animation Process

From ideation to final product, Mypromovideos or the explainer video maker employs a seamless animation process. Collaborating closely with clients, they understand their unique requirements and vision. With a focus on creativity, storytelling, and captivating visuals, the team crafts a storyboard and script alignment as per the brand message. The animation process includes meticulous attention to detail, transforming ideas into vibrant and compelling videos. The final product is a professionally crafted explainer video that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Elevate your brand’s storytelling and engage your audience segmentation like never before with an animated explainer video from Mypromovideos. Witness the transformative power of their animation expertise and let your brand shine on various platforms, making a lasting impact on your target market.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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