Everything about Corporate video best practices

Corporate Video Best Practices

Last Updated on March 14, 2024

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes


Corporate videos are a powerful marketing tool that helps businesses effectively communicate their message, showcase their brand, and engage their target audience. Corporate videos create a lasting impact by leveraging the visual medium, driving brand awareness, and enhancing customer engagement. This guide will explore the best practices for creating compelling corporate videos that captivate, inform, and inspire.

But before we dive deep into the specific best practices for creating compelling corporate videos, let us first understand the significance of corporate video in today’s digital landscape.

Why corporate video production is important?

  • Embedding a video on a landing page can increase the conversion rate by 80%.
  • Including a video in an email increases the click-through rate by 200%-300%.
  • Websites with videos have 53% more chances to rank on the first page.
  • Video content increases organic traffic by 157%.
  • 72% of employees prefer video over text for learning and development. 
  • Video-based training improves employee retention by 26%.

Corporate video production is essential, with statistics showing its impact on conversion rates, click-through rates, search rankings, organic traffic, and employee engagement. Now let’s explore the different types of corporate videos that can effectively showcase a company’s brand, products, and success stories.

When it comes to corporate video there are several types of videos that a company can utilize to achieve their specific goals. We have highlighted a few popular approaches below. 

Types of Corporate Videos

  1. Corporate overview videos
  2. Testimonial videos or customer stories Videos
  3. Case study video
  4. Sales pitch videos
  5. Demo videos
  6. Event and conference videos

1.Corporate overview videos

These videos provide the overview of the company and are typically used to introduce the company to the potential investors or clients.

  • Corporate overview videos introduce the company, its mission, values, and overall brand identity.
  • Showcases key features, products, or services offered by the company.
  • They are often used on websites, social media, or during presentations to give an overview of the business.

2.Testimonial videos or customer stories Videos

These videos share positive experiences featuring satisfied clients thus building trust and credibility.

  • Feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with the company’s products or services.
  • Highlight the benefits, success stories, and results achieved by using the company’s offerings.
  • Build trust and credibility among potential customers and demonstrate the company’s value.

3.Case study video

Case study videos demonstrate the effectiveness and value of the offering, and can be persuasive in attracting new clients. 

  • Showcase real-life examples of how the company’s products or services have helped solve a specific problem or challenge for a client.
  • Provide detailed information about the problem, solution, and measurable results achieved.
  • Effective for building trust and demonstrating the company’s expertise and capabilities.

4.Sales pitch videos

Sales pitch videos are designed to capture the attention of the client and present them USP of a product or service. 

  • Designed to persuade and convince potential customers to purchase a product or service.
  • Present key features, benefits, and unique selling points of the offering.
  • Utilize persuasive storytelling techniques and compelling visuals to engage the audience.

5.Demo videos

Demo videos are more educational videos to help customers make a more informed decision about the product. 

  • Walk-through or tutorial-style videos demonstrating how to use a product or service effectively.
  • Highlight key features, functionalities, and use cases to help users understand its value.
  • Frequently used in software, technology, or consumer electronics industries.

6.Event and conference videos

Event videos can be used to share industry insights and showcase thought leadership. 

  • Capture highlights from corporate events, conferences, or trade shows.
  • Show keynote speeches, panel discussions, product launches, or attendee experiences.
  • Promote the company’s involvement in industry events and create stakeholder excitement.

Most Suitable Approach For Corporate Video

  1. Animated Video
  2. Live-Action Video

When it comes to choosing the most suitable approach for your corporate video, you have two primary options: animated video and live-action video. Let’s explore the advantages of each approach:

1.Animated Video

Animated videos are a dynamic and visually captivating form of corporate video production that utilizes animation techniques to convey information, tell stories, and engage the audience. With their flexibility and creativity, animated videos offer an effective way to communicate complex ideas and deliver messages in a visually compelling manner.

  • Creative freedom: Animation provides limitless creative possibilities. You can bring imaginative concepts to life, create unique characters, and build visually stunning worlds that capture the attention of your audience.
  • Versatile: Animation can be adapted to various styles, from 2D to 3D animation or motion graphics. This versatility allows you to tailor the animation to match your brand’s visual identity and engage different target audiences effectively.
  • Simplified complexity: Animated videos excel at simplifying complex information. They can break down intricate concepts into easily understandable visuals, making them suitable for explaining abstract ideas or demonstrating complex processes.
  • Visual Appeal: Animation offers vibrant colors, smooth movements, and visually captivating elements. The dynamic nature of animated videos can engage viewers and leave a lasting impression.

2.Live-Action Video

Live-action videos are a powerful and authentic form of corporate video production that captures real people, events, and locations. By showcasing real-world scenarios and interactions, live-action videos create a genuine connection with the audience and convey the company’s message with a sense of realism.

  • Human connection: Live-action videos create a genuine and relatable connection. Viewers can connect emotionally with real people, fostering trust and authenticity in your brand.
  • Tangible Representation: Live-action videos allow you to showcase tangible products or services in real-world settings. This approach can enhance the audience’s understanding of how your offerings work and their real-life benefits. 
  • Professional and credible: Well-produced live-action videos convey professionalism and credibility. They showcase real people, locations, and interactions, instilling confidence in your brand and its offerings.
  • Real-world situation: Live-action videos excel at capturing real-life scenarios, interactions, and events. This approach enables viewers to experience genuine emotions and understand how your products or services can impact their lives.

Ultimately, the choice between animated and live-action videos depends on factors such as your goals, target audience, brand identity, and the specific message you want to convey. You can also consider combining both approaches, using animation to enhance live-action footage or vice versa, to create a unique and engaging corporate video.

Constraints in Animated Corporate Video Production

  1. Budget
  2. Time
  3. Technical Expertise
  4. Communication and Feedback
  5. Creative Limitations
  6. Revisions and Iterations
  7. File Sizes and Compatibility
  8. Voiceovers and Audio

When creating an animated corporate video, there are several common constraints that you should keep in mind. Understanding and addressing these constraints can help you plan and execute your project effectively. Here are some common constraints to consider:


  • Animation can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, often requiring specialized skills and software.
  • Determine a realistic budget for your animated video project and ensure it aligns with your expectations and desired quality.


  • Animation projects can take a significant amount of time to complete, particularly for complex or detailed animations.
  • Plan your project timeline carefully, accounting for the various stages of production, including pre-production, animation, and post-production.

3.Technical Expertise

  • Creating high-quality animations requires expertise in animation software and techniques.
  • Ensure you have access to skilled animators or animation studios who can bring your vision to life.

4.Communication and Feedback

  • Effective communication with animators and creative teams is crucial for achieving the desired outcome.
  • Provide clear instructions, references, and feedback to ensure the animation meets your expectations.

5.Creative Limitations

  • Balancing creative vision with practical constraints is essential.
  • Consider the limitations of the animation style or techniques you choose and ensure they align with your project goals.

6.Revisions and Iterations

  • The iterative animation process can require multiple revisions and adjustments.
  • Plan for feedback loops and allow sufficient time for revisions within your project timeline.

7.File Sizes and Compatibility

  • Animated videos can result in large file sizes, posing challenges for storage, sharing, and compatibility.
  • Consider file compression and ensure the final video format matches your intended distribution platforms.

8.Voiceovers and Audio

  • Coordinating voiceovers, sound effects, and music with the animation can be complex.
  • Ensure proper synchronization and mixing of audio elements to enhance the viewing experience.

Note: By partnering with a professional video production agency, you can simplify the animated corporate video production process, optimize resources, and achieve outstanding results. Their expertise, creativity, and project management skills ensure that your video not only meets your constraints but also exceeds your expectations, effectively conveying your message and captivating your target audience.

Corporate Videos Best Practices

  1. Script and Storytelling
    • Engaging opening
    • Clear and concise script
    • Compelling storytelling techniques
    • Structured flow of information
  2. Visual and Audio Elements
    • High-quality animation video production
    • Relevant and visually stimulating graphics or animations
    • Consistent branding elements
    • Appropriate music and sound effects
  3. Length and Format
    • Concise and focused duration
    • Consideration of the platform and audience preferences
  4. Call to Action
    • Clear and specific call to action
    • Encouragement for the desired action
    • Contact/ URL for further information
  5. Distribution and Promotion
    • Strategic selection of platforms and channels
    • Optimization for SEO and Discoverability
    • Use targeted advertising and paid promotion if necessary
    • Integration with other marketing campaigns or initiatives
  6. Testing and Analysis
    • Feedback
    • Analyzing
    • Iterative improvements

Now that we have explored different types of corporate videos and suitable approaches let’s dive into the best practices to create captivating corporate videos that engage your audience and achieve your objectives. Let’s unlock the secrets to crafting remarkable videos together!

1.Script and Storytelling

Script and storytelling play a vital role in corporate video production, shaping the narrative and messaging. By creating a compelling script and employing effective storytelling techniques, companies can engage their audience and deliver a memorable video experience.

Engaging opening

To hook your audience from the start, craft a captivating opening that grabs their attention. You can use a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or a compelling statement that piques curiosity. 

Clear and concise script

Keep your script focused and concise. Avoid using unnecessary jargon or complex language that might confuse your viewers. Use straightforward language to ensure your message is easily understandable.

Compelling storytelling techniques

  • Narratives: Incorporate storytelling elements to create a narrative structure for your video. Use characters, conflicts, and resolutions to engage your audience emotionally and make your message more relatable.
  • Real-life examples: Include real-life examples or case studies demonstrating how your products or services have positively impacted your customers. This helps build trust and credibility and showcases the practical applications of your offerings.
  • Emotional appeal: Tap into your audience’s emotions using storytelling techniques that evoke specific feelings. Connect with their aspirations, desires, or challenges, and show how your company can help solve their problems or fulfill their needs.

Structured flow of information

  • Logical progression of ideas: Organize your content in a logical sequence that builds upon each idea smoothly. Start with the most important information and progress toward supporting details.
  • Smooth transitions between sections: Ensure seamless transitions between different sections of your video. Use visual cues, animations, or voiceovers to guide viewers through the flow of information and maintain their engagement.

2.Visual and Audio Elements

Visual and audio elements work together to enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of the video. By utilizing visually appealing imagery and high-quality audio, companies can captivate their audience, convey their message effectively.

High-quality animation video production

Consider different animation styles such as character-based animation, motion graphics, whiteboard animation, or stop motion animation. Select a style that aligns with your brand identity and effectively communicates your message.

Relevant and visually stimulating graphics or animations

Use visually appealing graphics, illustrations, and animations that enhance the storytelling and engage your viewers. Ensure the visuals align with your brand’s aesthetics and effectively convey your message.

Consistent branding elements

Maintain consistent branding throughout your video. Place your logo strategically to increase brand recognition. Use a consistent color scheme and font selection that aligns with your brand guidelines.

Appropriate music and sound effects

Choose background music and sound effects that complement your video’s mood and enhance the viewing experience. Ensure clear and articulate delivery of any voiceovers. Consider tone, script adaptation, timing, character voices, and recording quality to achieve the desired audio impact.

3.Length and Format

The length and format of a corporate video are crucial for engaging viewers and delivering the intended message effectively. By considering the appropriate duration and format, companies can capture audience attention and align with their target viewers’ preferences.

Concise and focused duration

Keep your video’s duration concise and focused. Respect your viewers’ time and deliver your message efficiently without unnecessary fluff.

Consideration of the platform and audience preferences

Tailor your video’s length and format based on the platform you’ll be using and the preferences of your target audience. Create shorter, attention-grabbing snippets for social media platforms and longer-form videos for websites or presentations.

4.Call to Action

A compelling call to action is essential in corporate videos, driving viewers to take specific actions and maximizing the video’s impact on desired outcomes.

Clear and specific call to action

Include a clear and specific call to action at the end of your video. Tell your viewers what you want them to do next, whether visiting your website, purchasing, subscribing to your newsletter, or contacting you for more information.

Encouragement for the desired action

Motivate your viewers to take the desired action by emphasizing the benefits or incentives they’ll receive. Create a sense of urgency or use persuasive language to encourage immediate engagement.

Contact/ URL for further information

Provide contact details or a website URL where viewers can find more information or connect with your company. Make it easily accessible and visible within the video or in the video description.

5.Distribution and Promotion

Effective distribution and promotion are essential for corporate videos to reach their target audience and achieve desired goals. By strategically selecting distribution channels and implementing impactful promotional strategies, companies can maximize the visibility and engagement of their videos.

Strategic selection of platforms and channels

Choose the platforms and channels that align with your target audience’s preferences and behaviors. Consider social media platforms, your website, email marketing, or industry-specific platforms to maximize reach and engagement.

Optimization for SEO and Discoverability

Optimize your video’s title, description, and tags using relevant keywords to improve its search engine visibility. This helps increase organic traffic and reach a wider audience.

Use targeted advertising and paid promotion if necessary

Consider utilizing targeted advertising and paid promotion to boost your video’s visibility and reach. Platforms like Google Ads, social media ads, or influencer collaborations can help expand your video’s reach to a specific audience.

Integration with other marketing campaigns or initiatives

Integrate your video into your broader marketing campaigns or initiatives to reinforce your message across different channels. This ensures consistency and reinforces your brand identity.

6.Testing and Analysis

Testing and analysis in corporate video production are essential for evaluating effectiveness and making data-driven improvements. By leveraging insights from thorough testing and analysis, companies can optimize their videos and enhance their video marketing strategies. 


Gather feedback from trusted colleagues or focus groups to gain valuable insights on the effectiveness of your video. Consider their suggestions for improvement and make necessary adjustments.


Analyze key performance metrics such as views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions to evaluate the success of your video. Use analytics tools to gain insights into viewer behavior and preferences.

Iterative improvements

Based on feedback and analysis, make iterative improvements to your video production process. Continuously refine your strategies and techniques to create more effective and engaging corporate videos.

Quick Tips On How To Choose The Right Video Production Agency

  • Define your goals and objectives for the project.
  • Assess the agency’s experience and expertise in producing similar videos.
  • Review their portfolio and previous work to gauge their style and quality.
  • Read client testimonials and ask for references to assess their professionalism.
  • Look for a collaborative agency that values your input in the creative process.
  • Discuss your budget and ensure they can deliver within your financial constraints.
  • Confirm they can meet your project timeline and delivery expectations.
  • Evaluate their production capabilities, equipment, and team size.
  • Consider their communication style and support structure.
  • Check if they offer additional services such as scriptwriting or post-production editing.

Remember to take your time, research thoroughly, and choose an agency that aligns with your vision and can effectively bring your video project to life.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate videos are a powerful marketing tool for effective communication and audience engagement.
  • Choose the correct type of corporate video, such as corporate overviews, testimonials, case studies, sales pitches, demos, or event coverage.
  • Consider the most suitable approach: animated videos offer creative freedom, while live-action videos provide a human connection.
  • Keep typical constraints in mind when creating animated videos, including budget, time, technical expertise, communication, and creative limitations.
  • Pay attention to visual and audio elements, including high-quality animation, relevant graphics, consistent branding, and appropriate music and sound effects.
  • Tailor the video’s length and format to platform and audience preferences, and include a clear call to action and contact information.
  • Strategically distribute and promote the video, optimize for SEO, and integrate it into broader marketing campaigns.
  • Gather feedback, analyze metrics, and make iterative improvements to enhance video effectiveness.
  • Choose a reliable video production agency based on experience, portfolio, testimonials, collaboration, budget, and additional services offered.

A Wrap!

Creating compelling corporate videos requires careful planning, effective storytelling, and attention to visual and audio elements. Following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can create impactful videos that captivate your audience, convey your message effectively, and achieve your marketing objectives. 

Ready to create stunning animated corporate videos that captivate your audience? Contact us today to get started!

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
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