End of year Recap : Highlights from 2013!

Last Updated on March 14, 2024

Highlights of Mypromovideos in the year 2013?

Highlights mypromovideos 2013
Highlights mypromovideos 2013

So we started off 2013 happy that none of the Doomsday predictions for 2012 had come true and we’d put off Apocalypse by one more year at least! (Not that we had taken the prediction seriously to begin with :)) Lots and lots and lots and lots of things happened in this packed year. And here we present some the highlights of the year …in no particular…because, just like that!

  • We did an awareness video on menstruation for Menstrupedia that went viral on the social networks and got widely covered in media.

  • We got the opportunity to work with Sikkim Manipal University for Distance Education.

  • Gopal got married to Rama

  • We went crazy in March with HCL’s MADJAM series completing a whopping 14 videos in a month!

  • Udhay and Mahesh got new homes

  • Sathya joined us and with him came a new treat culture…so now every small event has become a reason for celebration

  • Nanda became part of our team, with him came cheer, mimicry and (surprisingly) philosophy

  • Nisha started writing for us from Ireland and became our most loyal commenter on Facebook

  • We did a smashing video for SPARXlife

  • India Today wrote an article on Mypromovideos

  • We decided to shake up our work culture by waiting outside the office for everyone to arrive and entering the office together

  • Two new puppies started adding awesomeness to our lives when Udhay adopted Link and Aero

  • We had a delicious Ramzan when Shareef and his family treated us.. the taste of Biryani still lingers..ah!!

  • We added to the vehicular pollution of Coimbatore city when Shareef bought a scooter, Dinesh a bike and Mahesh a car!

  • We conducted a contest in the TechCrunch event at Bangalore and selected the most promising startup(NowFloats)….they’ll be getting a free explainer video from us.

  • Shareef daughter Rima and Azeem’s son Athif were born

  • We’d lots of fun with Birthdays, Cooking, drawing sessions, Diwali celebrations, screenings and Masinagudi trip

  • Anil started learning to play the flute…Lord help us!

  • We connected with nature with a new Aquarium and cute flock of Zebra finches.

  • We renovated our office..can’t get enough of the production room!

  • A prestigious mention by NEN

  • Azeem and Jeroy planned an overwhelming Xmas surprise for us

  • We finished of the year with a bang with a week-long NewYear celebrations!

After all this, we are signing off this year with lots of beautiful memories in our hearts. We wish you everyone a very happy and prosperous new year 2014!

Let us know if you need a video, we are here to help.

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Picture of Vimida
Vimida is a self-proclaimed writer and creative director who thinks that more than 10 years of writing makes her eligible for the Pulitzer or Nobel or “somesuchthing” (well, she’s doesn’t care much about names, it is the sentiments that matter, right?) She often uses her BA English Gold Medal and Symbiosis Mass Communication background to finish off arguments, if they’re not going in her favour. Not being satisfied with writing, she has now decided to interfere in Creative Direction as well. When not at work, she can be seen in the company of her son, who has the uphill task of making his mom grow up right. You can get in touch with her on Facebook, or Twitter, or any social platform, because she signs up for a new one each day. She has many blogs,but she rarely blogs, so the best place to catch her work will be our website.
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