How To Make an Effective Explainer Video in 2024?

Effective Explainer Video illustration

Last Updated on June 4, 2024

Estimated reading time: 16 minutes

In the digital age, video content reigns supreme, and explainer videos have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses and brands. Their ability to convey complex ideas in a simple and engaging manner makes them indispensable in modern marketing. This guide is your roadmap to crafting impactful explainer videos in 2024, leveraging the latest trends and techniques.

Before diving into the creative process of making an effective explainer video, it’s crucial to lay a strong strategic foundation. Crafting an effective explainer video starts with a well-thought-out strategy that aligns with your goals and resonates with your target audience.

Preparing Strategies To Make An Explainer Videos

  1. What is the Purpose of Your Explainer Video?
  2. Who is Your Target Audience?
  3. What Message or Story Do You Want to Convey?
  4. What Style of Explainer Video Fits Your Brand and Message?
  5. Do You Have Access to the Necessary Resources?
  6. What is Your Budget and Timeline?
  7. Where Will Your Video Be Distributed?
  8. How Will You Measure Success?
  9. Are There Any Legal or Copyright Considerations?
  10. What Are the Current Trends in Explainer Videos?

In this section, we will explore the essential considerations that lay the groundwork for crafting explainer videos.

1. What is the Purpose of Your Explainer Video?

Your explainer video’s purpose is the North Star that will guide its creation and shape its content. Take a moment to consider what you aim to achieve:

  • Introducing a New Product or Service: Explainer videos excel at introducing new offerings to your audience in a clear and engaging manner. They can pique curiosity and generate excitement around your latest innovations.
  • Educating Your Audience About a Complex Topic: If you have a complex product or service that requires explanation, an explainer video can simplify the information, making it more accessible and comprehensible for your audience.
  • Boosting Sales: Explainer videos can be potent sales tools. They can highlight the value and benefits of your product or service, persuading potential customers to take action.
  • Increasing Brand Awareness: For branding purposes, explainer videos can convey your brand’s story, values, and mission. They help create a memorable impression and foster a sense of connection with your audience.
  • Improving Customer Support: Explainer videos can serve as handy resources for customer support. They can address common queries, provide troubleshooting guidance, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Identifying the primary purpose of your explainer video is the pivotal first step toward creating content that aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience.

If you are looking for a professional touch, consider hiring an explainer video maker in Bangalore to leverage their expertise in creating compelling videos that effectively communicate your message.

2. Who is Your Target Audience?

Understanding your target audience is paramount in crafting an effective explainer video. To create content that resonates, consider:

  • Demographics and Characteristics: Delve into the demographics and characteristics of your audience. This includes age, gender, location, income, education, and more. For instance, if you’re targeting tech-savvy millennials, your video’s style and content may differ from one aimed at senior citizens.
  • Problems and Pain Points: Identify the problems or pain points your audience faces. What challenges are they encountering in their lives or businesses that your product or service can alleviate? A well-crafted explainer video can directly address these pain points, showcasing your solution.

Understanding your audience allows you to tailor your video’s message and style to their preferences and needs, making it more engaging and effective.

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3. What Message or Story Do You Want to Convey?

The message or story at the heart of your explainer video is the foundation upon which its success is built. Consider the following:

  • Core Message: Define the core message you want to communicate. It should encapsulate the essence of your product, service, or brand. Whether it’s highlighting a unique feature, solving a specific problem, or sharing a compelling story, your message should be concise and memorable.
  • Simplifying Complex Ideas: If your topic is intricate or technical, your explainer video’s challenge is to simplify these ideas. Utilize visuals, analogies, and metaphors to break down complexity into easily digestible segments. Remember, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual (MIT), making visuals a powerful tool in simplification.
  • Making It Relatable: Relatability is key to engaging your audience. Craft a narrative that resonates with your viewers on a personal level. Use real-world scenarios or relatable characters to illustrate how your product or service addresses their needs or pain points.

A well-defined message and a relatable story are the building blocks of an explainer video that captures attention and drives the message home effectively.

4. What Style of Explainer Video Fits Your Brand and Message?

Choosing the right animation style for your explainer video is a critical decision that can significantly impact how your message is received. Here’s how to approach this decision:

  • Consider Your Options: There are various animation styles to choose from, including 2D animation, 3D animation, whiteboard animation, motion graphics, and more. Each style has its unique visual appeal and storytelling capabilities.
  • Alignment with Brand Identity: Evaluate which style aligns best with your brand’s identity. For example, a playful and colorful 2D animation might be perfect for a children’s product, while a sleek 3D animation could suit a tech-oriented brand.
  • Message and Tone: Your chosen style should complement the message and tone of your video. If you’re explaining complex technical concepts, a detailed 3D animation might be the right choice. Conversely, if you’re narrating a heartfelt story, a hand-drawn whiteboard animation could evoke the desired emotions.

Remember, the animation style should enhance your message and brand identity rather than overshadow them. Choose wisely to create a seamless connection between your content and its visual presentation.

If you’re seeking expertise to craft a high-quality video that effectively communicates your message, consider partnering with an explainer video agency in Mumbai known for their creative and technical prowess.

Check out our detail post on Type of explainer videos

5. Do You Have Access to the Necessary Resources?

Before embarking on your explainer video project, it’s essential to ensure you have the required resources in place. Consider the following:

  • Equipment and Software: Assess whether you possess the necessary video production equipment and software. This includes cameras, microphones, lighting, video editing software, and animation tools. Acquiring or investing in the right resources is crucial for maintaining production quality.
  • Voiceover Talent or Script Narration: Depending on the style and complexity of your explainer video, you may need to hire voiceover talent or script narration. The choice between professional voiceover artists and text-to-speech technology depends on your budget and the desired quality of the audio component.

Having access to the right tools and talent ensures a smooth production process and contributes to the overall quality of your explainer video.

6. What is Your Budget and Timeline?

Managing your budget and adhering to a timeline are crucial aspects of a successful explainer video project. Here’s how to approach these considerations:

  • Allocating Budget: Determine how much you can allocate for video production. Your budget should encompass all aspects, including equipment, software, talent, and post-production. Be realistic about what you can afford, and prioritize areas that directly impact video quality.
  • Setting a Deadline: Establish a clear deadline for completing and launching the video. This deadline should align with your marketing strategy or any specific events or promotions you have planned. Ensure your timeline is achievable, considering the complexity of the video and the resources available.

Balancing your budget and adhering to your timeline is essential for efficient project management and ensures you have the resources needed to create a compelling explainer video.

7. Where Will Your Video Be Distributed?

Determining the distribution channels for your explainer video is key to maximizing its reach and impact. Consider the following distribution options:

  • Website: Hosting the video on your website is a fundamental distribution method. It provides visitors with easy access to essential information about your product or service.
  • Social Media Platforms: Sharing your video on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn can significantly increase its visibility. Video content tends to perform exceptionally well on social media, generating higher engagement rates.
  • Email Campaigns: Incorporating your explainer video into email campaigns can boost click-through rates and conversions. Videos in emails can increase click rates by 300% (HubSpot).
  • YouTube and Video Sharing Sites: Uploading your video to platforms like YouTube and Vimeo can extend your reach to a broader audience. These platforms also offer valuable analytics and engagement data.

If you’re looking to create a stellar explainer video that captures your audience’s attention, consider partnering with an explainer video agency in Delhi known for its innovative and high-quality productions.

Optimizing for Different Platforms:

Each distribution channel may have specific requirements and best practices. To optimize your explainer video for different platforms:

  • Customize Video Length: Adjust the video’s duration to suit the platform. Shorter videos may be better for social media, while longer, more in-depth videos may work well on your website or YouTube channel.
  • Add Captions: Incorporate captions or subtitles to make your video accessible to a wider audience and improve engagement, as many viewers watch videos with sound off.
  • Optimize Thumbnail and Title: Create eye-catching thumbnails and compelling titles to entice viewers to click on your video.
  • Utilize Platform Features: Leverage platform-specific features, such as hashtags on social media or playlists on YouTube, to enhance discoverability.

By strategically distributing and optimizing your explainer video across various channels, you can ensure it reaches the right audience and achieves your marketing goals effectively.

8. How Will You Measure Success?

Measuring the success of your explainer video is vital to assess its effectiveness and make data-driven improvements. Consider the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to track:

  • View Count: The number of views indicates the video’s initial reach and audience interest. It’s a fundamental metric to monitor.
  • Engagement Metrics: Evaluate likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates (CTR) to gauge how well your video is resonating with viewers.
  • Conversion Rates: If the video’s purpose is to drive conversions, track conversion rates to assess its impact on your goals, whether it’s sign-ups, purchases, or other desired actions.
  • View Duration: Analyze how long viewers are watching your video. A high view duration suggests engagement and interest in the content.
  • Traffic Sources: Identify where your video traffic is coming from—whether it’s from social media, your website, email campaigns, or other sources—to refine your distribution strategy.

Gathering Feedback and Using Data:

To refine your video marketing strategy:

  • Collect Viewer Feedback: Encourage viewers to leave comments and provide feedback. Engage with their comments to build a rapport and gather insights into their preferences.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different versions of your video, such as variations in thumbnails, titles, or content, and compare their performance to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  • Analytics Tools: Utilize analytics tools provided by platforms like YouTube, Google Analytics, or social media insights to gain deeper insights into viewer behavior and demographics.
  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Conduct surveys or questionnaires to gather feedback from your audience directly. Ask questions about the video’s clarity, effectiveness, and impact.
  • Heatmaps: Use heatmaps to track where viewers are clicking and engaging within your video. This can help identify which parts of the video are most effective and where improvements may be needed.

By continuously monitoring KPIs, collecting feedback, and analyzing data, you can refine your video marketing strategy, make informed decisions, and create more effective explainer videos in the future.

Navigating legal and copyright considerations is crucial to ensure your explainer video complies with intellectual property laws and industry regulations. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Rights to Assets: Verify that you have the rights to use any music, images, videos, or other assets included in your video. Ensure you have obtained proper licenses or permissions, or that you are using royalty-free assets.
  • Fair Use: Familiarize yourself with the concept of fair use, which allows the use of copyrighted material under certain conditions, such as for commentary, criticism, or educational purposes. Ensure your video falls within these legal boundaries.
  • Industry Regulations: Depending on your industry and target audience, there may be specific legal guidelines or restrictions. For instance, healthcare and finance sectors often have strict regulations regarding the content and claims made in marketing materials.
  • Privacy: Respect individuals’ privacy rights when featuring real people in your video. Obtain consent or releases when necessary, especially if you are using testimonials or interviews.
  • Trademark Usage: Avoid infringing on trademarks or using brand names in a way that could be considered misleading or harmful. Familiarize yourself with trademark guidelines.

Addressing these legal considerations safeguards your explainer video from potential copyright disputes, regulatory issues, or other legal complications, ensuring a smooth and compliant production process.

Staying informed about the latest trends and technologies in explainer videos can give your content a competitive edge and captivate your audience. Here are some current trends to be aware of:

  • Interactive and Personalized Videos: Interactive explainer videos allow viewers to engage with the content, making choices that affect the narrative’s outcome. Personalization, such as addressing viewers by name, is becoming more prevalent to create a tailored experience.
  • 3D Animation and Augmented Reality (AR): 3D animation adds depth and realism to explainer videos, making them visually compelling. Augmented reality is being integrated into videos to provide immersive experiences, such as trying on virtual products.
  • Integration of AI-Driven Content and Chatbots: Artificial intelligence is being used to generate personalized video content dynamically. Chatbots within videos can interact with viewers, answering questions or guiding them through the content.
  • Short-Form Explainer Videos for Social Media: With the popularity of short-form video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, creating concise and engaging explainer videos tailored for social media is a growing trend.
  • Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Features: Explainer videos are increasingly incorporating features like closed captions, audio descriptions, and sign language interpretation to ensure accessibility for a diverse audience.
  • Green Screen and Virtual Studios: The use of green screens and virtual studios allows for versatile backgrounds and settings in explainer videos, enhancing visual storytelling.
  • Sustainability and CSR Messaging: Companies are leveraging explainer videos to communicate their commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), aligning with consumer demand for eco-friendly practices.
  • Micro-Moments and Snackable Content: Creating explainer videos that cater to micro-moments, where viewers seek quick and specific information, is gaining traction.

Remaining attuned to these trends enables you to adapt your explainer video strategy to changing viewer preferences and technological advancements, ensuring your content remains relevant and engaging.

Top 5 Free Explainer Video Software

  1. Powtoon
  2. Biteable
  3. Animaker
  4. HitFilm Express
  5. DaVinci Resolve

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, partnering with a top explainer video company in Chennai can provide you with high-quality, engaging videos that effectively communicate your message to your target audience.

Creating explainer videos doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are five top free tools that can help you craft engaging and professional explainer videos:

1. Powtoon

Powtoon is a user-friendly animation tool that offers a range of templates, characters, and objects to create animated explainer videos. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the animation process, making it accessible to beginners.

2. Biteable

Biteable is an online platform designed for creating animated videos quickly. It provides a library of pre-made scenes and animations, allowing you to piece together your explainer video effortlessly. Biteable is especially suitable for creating short, attention-grabbing videos.

3. Animaker

Animaker is a DIY animation software that offers a variety of animation styles, including 2D, whiteboard, and infographic. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for creating explainer videos, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

4. HitFilm Express

HitFilm Express is a powerful video editing and compositing tool that goes beyond basic video editing. While it may have a steeper learning curve, it offers advanced features for those looking to create high-quality explainer videos with intricate visual effects.

5. DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is a comprehensive video editing software that provides professional-grade tools for video editing, color correction, and audio post-production. While it’s more robust than other free options, it offers exceptional capabilities for creating polished explainer videos.

How to Make Best Explainer Video in 2024 in 6 Easy Steps 

Creating an explainer video is a step-by-step process that requires careful planning and execution. Follow these six easy steps to craft an effective explainer video:

1. Define Your Goal and Audience

  • Begin by clarifying the purpose of your explainer video. Are you aiming to introduce a new product, educate your audience, boost sales, increase brand awareness, or improve customer support?
  • Identify your target audience, considering demographics, pain points, and needs. Understanding your audience is crucial for tailoring your message effectively.

2. Develop a Compelling Script

  • Craft a script that concisely conveys your message and engages your audience. Keep it clear, engaging, and focused on the core message.
  • Consider the tone and language that best resonates with your audience. Whether it’s humorous, informative, or emotional, ensure it aligns with your brand and message.

3. Create a Storyboard

  • Translate your script into a visual storyboard. Create a sequence of sketches or scenes that outline how the video will unfold.
  • Pay attention to the flow and pacing of the video. The storyboard serves as a visual guide for the animation and ensures a cohesive narrative.

4. Choose the Right Animation Style

  • Select an animation style that complements your message and brand identity. Options include 2D animation, 3D animation, whiteboard animation, motion graphics, and more.
  • Ensure that the chosen style aligns with the tone of your script and resonates with your target audience.

5. Add Voiceover and Sound Effects

  • Record a professional voiceover that matches the script’s tone and pacing. High-quality audio enhances viewer engagement and comprehension.
  • Incorporate relevant sound effects and background music to create a dynamic and immersive viewing experience.

6. Edit, Optimize, and Share

  • Edit the video to ensure it flows smoothly and aligns with your storyboard. Pay attention to transitions, timing, and visual coherence.
  • Optimize the video for different platforms by adjusting its length, format, and size as needed.
  • Share your explainer video on your website, social media platforms, email campaigns, and other relevant channels. Use analytics to monitor its performance and gather feedback for future improvements.

By following these six steps, you can create an explainer video that effectively communicates your message, engages your audience, and achieves your marketing goals.

Pro Tip: Enhance Engagement with Captions 📢

Research among US consumers revealed that 69% prefer watching videos with the sound muted in public settings. Remarkably, 80% of viewers are more inclined to watch a video in its entirety when captions are thoughtfully incorporated. 💬👀

Elevating Your Explainer Videos with Professional Expertise

While free tools can be a great starting point for creating explainer videos, it’s important to recognize that professional video production agencies offer a level of expertise and knowledge that can take your videos to the next level. Here’s why considering a professional agency may be advisable:

  • Expertise: Professional agencies have a deep understanding of video production, including scripting, storyboarding, animation, and post-production. They can bring a wealth of experience to your project, ensuring a polished and effective final product.
  • Quality: The quality of your explainer video reflects on your brand. Professional agencies have access to advanced equipment and software, which can result in higher production values and a more visually appealing video.
  • Customization: Agencies can tailor your explainer video to your specific needs and brand identity. They can create a unique video that stands out and effectively communicates your message.
  • Script and Storytelling: Crafting a compelling script and narrative is a specialized skill. Professional agencies can develop a storyline that engages your audience and conveys your message effectively.
  • Voiceover and Audio: Audio quality is often overlooked but crucial. Agencies can provide professional voiceover talent and ensure high-quality audio, enhancing the overall impact of your video.
  • Project Management: Video production can be complex, involving various stages and timelines. Agencies have project management expertise to keep your project on track and deliver it within deadlines.
  • Compliance: They are well-versed in legal and copyright considerations, ensuring that your video complies with all regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.

While free tools can be a cost-effective solution, especially for smaller projects or startups with limited budgets, professional video production agencies offer a level of professionalism and polish that can be particularly valuable for businesses looking to make a strong impact with their explainer videos. It’s worth considering the trade-offs and your specific needs when deciding between DIY and professional video production.


Explainer videos, in 2024, remain a potent asset in the digital marketing arsenal. Their knack for engaging audiences, simplifying ideas, and driving impact is unrivaled. Crafting effective explainer videos hinges on a well-defined strategy, audience alignment, resource allocation, and trend awareness.

Whether opting for free tools or professional expertise, the goal is the same: leaving a memorable mark in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With emerging trends like interactive, 3D, and AI-driven content, the possibilities are boundless.

In sum, explainer videos aren’t just marketing tools; they are conduits for storytelling, education, and connection. By harnessing their potential, you can stand out and achieve your goals with finesse. 🚀📹

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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