How To Come Up With A Successful Plan For Creating Explainer Videos?

How to Create Explainer Videos Successfully

Last Updated on June 4, 2024

Imagine you’re about to embark on a road trip to your dream destination. What’s the first thing you do? Plan your route, pack your bags, and make sure everything’s in order, right? Well, creating an explainer video is a bit like preparing for that exciting journey.

Just as you wouldn’t hit the road without a map and a plan, you wouldn’t want to dive into making an explainer video without some careful thought and strategizing. These videos have the power to capture your audience’s attention, convey your message, and drive action, but it all starts with a well-crafted plan.

In this guide, we’re going to be your travel companions on this explainer video journey. We’ll help you map out every step, ensuring your video not only reaches its destination but also makes a lasting impact along the way. So, buckle up, and let’s navigate the world of creating successful explainer videos together.

To kick off our journey, it’s essential to collaborate with experienced professionals, such as an explainer video company in Bangalore, who can bring your vision to life with expertise and creativity.

Setting the Stage Plan For Creating Explainer Video

  1. Cracking the Code: Define Your Audience and Craft the Perfect Message
  2. Selecting the Optimal Style: Animated Explainer Video or Live-Action or a Fusion of Both
  3. Crafting the Ideal Script: A Masterpiece in Video Storytelling
  4.  Balancing Act: Managing Your Explainer Video Project Budget and Timeline
  5. Exploring the Right Avenues: Choosing Distribution Channels for Your Explainer Video
  6. Evaluating Triumph: Measure the Success of Your Explainer Video
  7. Keeping Your Explainer Video Legal: Copyright Considerations and Best Practices

Creating an effective explainer video is akin to preparing for a grand performance. Picture yourself as the director, your audience eagerly awaiting the curtain to rise. Before the spotlight shines, let’s delve into the crucial elements of setting the stage for your explainer video adventure.

1. Cracking the Code: Define Your Audience and Craft the Perfect Message

In the world of theater, actors must understand their audience to deliver a captivating performance. Similarly, in the realm of explainer videos, comprehending your target audience is paramount.Take a moment to create a vivid mental picture of your audience. What are their demographics? Age, gender, location—all these details matter. Understanding these aspects helps you tailor your video to resonate with your viewers.

Beyond demographics, dive into psychographics. What are their interests, pain points, and desires? What keeps them up at night, and what sparks their enthusiasm? These insights will empower you to craft a message that hits home. Now, let’s talk about your message—the spotlight of your video. Just as a play has a central theme, your explainer video needs a clear and compelling message. It’s the hook that draws your audience in. Consider the problem your product or service addresses. What solution are you offering? How does it make your audience’s lives easier or better? Your message should concisely convey this value proposition.

When scripting your message, remember the power of simplicity. Just as a great actor can convey deep emotions with a single expression, a concise and clear message can be incredibly impactful. Avoid jargon or unnecessary complexity that might confuse your audience.

In our next act, we’ll delve deeper into choosing the style of video. Stay tuned for more insights.

2. Selecting the Optimal Style: Animated Explainer Video or Live-Action or a Fusion of Both

In the theater, costume and set design are crucial for immersing the audience in the story. Similarly, your explainer video’s style is the visual backdrop that enhances your message.

Your style should align seamlessly with your brand identity and the tone of your message. Consider whether 2D animation, 3D animation, live-action, or a combination best suits your objectives. Each style brings its unique flair and impact.For instance, 2D animation is versatile and can simplify complex concepts. It’s an excellent choice when you want to add a touch of playfulness to your video. On the other hand, live-action lends authenticity and a personal touch, making it ideal for showcasing real people and products.

The choice of style is a creative decision that should resonate with your audience. Think about what will engage them most effectively and leave a lasting impression.

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3. Crafting the Ideal Script: A Masterpiece in Video Storytelling

Much like a well-written play captivates theatergoers, Crafting compelling video scripts is the core of any great explainer video. It’s your roadmap to engaging your audience and conveying your message. Your script should start with a hook—a captivating opening that grabs viewers’ attention. It could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or a relatable scenario. The hook sets the stage for what’s to come.

Next, focus on the body of your script. Break down your message into digestible sections or scenes. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, maintaining the viewer’s interest.

Keep your language simple and conversational. Imagine you’re having a one-on-one conversation with your audience. Avoid jargon or complex terminology that might alienate viewers. Clarity is your ally. Throughout your script, emphasize the benefits and solutions your product or service offers. Showcase how it solves your audience’s problems or fulfills their desires. Use real-world examples or stories to illustrate these points.

Lastly, finish with a strong call to action (CTA). What do you want your viewers to do next? Whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase, make it clear and compelling.

When crafting your project, consider the expertise of an explainer video company in Mumbai to bring a fresh perspective and local flavor to your production.

4. Balancing Act: Managing Your Explainer Video Project Budget and Timeline

In the theater, staying within budget and adhering to a production schedule is essential for a successful show. Similarly, your explainer video project requires careful budgeting and timeline management. Determine how much you can allocate for video production. Consider costs for scriptwriting, animation or filming, voiceover talent, sound effects, and editing. While there are budget-friendly options, remember that quality often aligns with investment.

Set a realistic deadline for completing and launching your video. Consider any upcoming marketing campaigns or product launches that may impact your timeline. Planning ahead ensures a smooth production process. As you embark on your explainer video journey, keep these foundational elements in mind. Just as a theatrical performance relies on preparation and precision, your video’s success hinges on understanding your audience, crafting a compelling message, choosing the right style, scripting effectively, and managing your resources wisely.

Further, we’ll explore distribution strategies, measuring explainer video success, legal considerations, and the latest trends in explainer videos. So, stay with us as we unveil the next scenes of creating an effective explainer video.

5. Exploring the Right Avenues: Choosing Distribution Channels for Your Explainer Video

Choosing the right venue is crucial to reach the desired audience. Similarly, for your explainer video, selecting the appropriate platforms for distribution is essential. Consider where your target audience spends their digital time. Will the video reside prominently on your website’s homepage, providing a warm welcome to visitors? Do you plan to share it across social media platforms, where it can capture the attention of your followers?

Email campaigns are another distribution channel worth exploring. Including an explainer video in your emails can boost click-through rates and engagement. Additionally, platforms like YouTube and Vimeo offer vast audiences that may stumble upon your video. Each platform has its own guidelines and recommended video formats. Ensure your video is optimized for each, whether through different aspect ratios or captions for social media. Tailoring your video to fit these platforms increases its visibility and impact.

6. Evaluating Triumph: Measure the Success of Your Explainer Video

Just as an acclaimed theater performance garners standing ovations and critical acclaim, your explainer video deserves recognition for its effectiveness. To gauge its impact, you need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs). Consider which metrics align with your video’s goals. Are you looking to boost website traffic? Track the number of visitors referred by the video. If the objective is to increase product sales, monitor conversion rates.

Engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, and comments on social media, offer insights into your video’s resonance with the audience. Analyzing viewer retention rates reveals which parts of the video are most captivating and which may need refinement. Feedback is invaluable. Encourage viewers to share their thoughts and suggestions. Surveys, comments, and direct messages can provide valuable insights for improvement.

Data-driven decisions are the spotlight in this act. Leverage analytics tools to gather and analyze performance data. Make adjustments based on what the data reveals, allowing your video to evolve and better meet its objectives.

In the theater, adhering to copyright laws and securing rights to music, scripts, and visuals is paramount. Similarly, for your explainer video, legal and copyright considerations play a significant role. Ensure you have the rights to use any music, images, or other assets in your video. Copyright violations can lead to legal complications and tarnish your brand’s reputation. Utilize royalty-free music and images or obtain proper licenses to avoid issues.

Different industries may have specific regulations governing video content. Be aware of any legal guidelines or restrictions related to your field or target audience. Complying with industry standards ensures your video remains compliant and trustworthy. When in doubt, consulting with legal experts or intellectual property specialists can provide guidance and peace of mind. It’s better to invest in legal precautions than to face legal challenges down the road.

  1. Interactive and Personalized Videos
  2. 3D Animation and Augmented Reality (AR)
  3. Integration of AI-driven Content and Chatbots
  4. Short-form Explainer Videos for Social Media
  5. Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Features

The world of theater constantly evolves, embracing new technologies and styles. Likewise, the realm of explainer videos experiences ongoing innovation. To keep your video strategy fresh and engaging, stay informed about the latest trends.

1. Interactive and Personalized Videos

Viewers crave engagement. Interactive explainer videos allow viewers to make choices within the video, shaping their viewing experience. Personalization tailors content to individual viewers, making it more relevant and engaging.

2. 3D Animation and Augmented Reality (AR)

These technologies provide immersive experiences. They’re especially impactful when explaining complex concepts or showcasing intricate products.

3. Integration of AI-driven Content and Chatbots

 AI-powered videos can dynamically adjust content based on viewer behavior. Chatbots within videos offer instant assistance and engagement.

4. Short-form Explainer Videos for Social Media

 Attention spans are shrinking. Short, punchy explainer videos designed for social media captivate viewers quickly and leave a lasting impression.

5. Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Features

 Making videos accessible to all viewers is vital. Subtitles, transcripts, and audio descriptions ensure that your message reaches a broad audience.

As you plan your explainer video, consider how these trends align with your objectives and audience. Embracing innovative approaches can set your video apart and elevate its impact.

When seeking an explainer video company in Delhi, ensure they are well-versed in the latest trends and legal considerations to craft a compelling and compliant video.

Some Common Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Animated Explainer Videos

  1. Overloading with information
  2. Lengthy videos
  3. Poor audio quality
  4. Lack of a clear CTA
  5. Neglecting mobile optimization
  6. Skipping the storyboard
  7. Complex visuals
  8. Not testing

Creating explainer videos can be a fantastic way to engage your audience, but it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls. In this section, we’ll explore some of the most prevalent mistakes that should be sidestepped to ensure your explainer video’s success.

1. Overloading with information

Trying to convey too much information can overwhelm the audience.

2. Lengthy videos

Keeping the video concise is crucial; lengthy explanations may lose viewers.

3. Poor audio quality

 Audio issues can distract from your message; ensure clear sound.

4. Lack of a clear CTA

 Failing to guide viewers on the desired next steps.

5. Neglecting mobile optimization

Many viewers access videos on mobile devices, so ensure compatibility.

6. Skipping the storyboard

A well-structured visual plan helps maintain a coherent narrative.

7.Complex visuals

Overly intricate animations or visuals can confuse rather than clarify.

8. Not testing

Skipping testing can result in technical issues that affect the viewing experience.


In the grand production of creating an effective explainer video, you’ve covered essential acts, from understanding your audience and crafting a compelling message to choosing the right style, scripting effectively, and managing resources wisely.

In 2023, the stage is set for explainer videos to shine brighter than ever. Embrace the power of this medium to captivate your audience, tell your story, and drive your brand forward. Your explainer video is your spotlight moment—make it count!

As the curtains close on this guide, we invite you to explore the fascinating world of explainer videos and make your mark in the digital landscape. After all, in the age of video content, the spotlight is yours for the taking.Looking for expert guidance on creating your next explainer video? Reach out to us at Mypromovideos and let us help you shine on the digital stage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Explainer Video cost?

The cost of an explainer video can vary significantly depending on factors such as animation style, length, complexity, and the production team’s experience. On average, a professional explainer video can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000 or more.

Can I repurpose existing video content into an explainer video?

Certainly, you can repurpose existing video content into an explainer video if it aligns with your message and goals, but effective adaptation and editing are essential due to the concise nature of explainer videos.

How long does it typically take to produce an explainer video?

The production timeline for an explainer video varies but usually takes 4-8 weeks from concept to final delivery.

Should I hire a professional studio or try to create an explainer video in-house?

It depends on your expertise and resources; professional video production studios offer high-quality results, while in-house creation can be cost-effective but may require specialized skills.

Picture of Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar
Producing B2B video content is hard. We help technology firms build brands and win more customers through our videos.
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